40 Jokes for Kids That Will Keep the Whole Family in ...

best kid jokes of 2020

best kid jokes of 2020 - win

AMC Army DD - let's go get popcorns. Save the screen. Why won't it let me post my DD? dafuq?

Why buy AMC?

1.) COVID vaccine rollout has started, and we will be able to attend movies soon. The Biden Administration (sorry for getting political, just pls keep reading) has an ambitious plan (100 million vaccines in 100 days or whatever the fuck) and this pandemic is almost over. I’d give it until the end of the year.
2.) Most AMC theatres are open or they are planning to open soon with social distancing and mask measures in place. They will shut down the food services and concessions, but they are coming back.
3.) Consumers have a sentimental connection to movies. They will come back. People are starved for the outside world and will come out in massive hordes to watch movies. People will go out and see movies, take their kids, go on dates, etc. Nothing can replicate the experience of a giant screen and surround audio.
4.) This major influx of blue balled movie goers will cause a major boost in 2021. Then we will see a continuation of the year over year growth we have been seeing since 2012.
5.) The AMC business model is working. The revenue has steadily increased since 2012 year over year. In 2012, they made $811 million. In 2019, they made $5.47 billion. There has been a steady rise. THEY ARE NOT IN DECLINE.
6.) I understand they have many loans, but it is something that can be paid off in a few years with the help of their parent company, Wanda Entertainment, and increased profits in 2021.
7.) They will not go bankrupt. WANDA entertainment, a Chinese company owns the plurality share (20%) and will bail them out if it is necessary. They bought for $2.6 billion in 2012, and have seen a ROI, scoring $2.7 billion in 2013, the year immediately after their purchase. AMC is too good of an asset for Wanda to lose them. Also, AMC can take advantage of new stimulus and other government assistance programs.
8.) It’s extremely cheap right now because everybody is shorting, and there’s a pandemic. Corona is only temporary. Everybody thought GameStop was going to go under, until we showed them. Remember that.
9.) If there is interest or heightened trading in the stock, AMC can dilute shares and sell them to help finance operations and pay debt, using stock sales as leverage. AMC just did this today, and they can do it again if needed.
10.) AMC will not go bankrupt, not only because of the potential Wanda bailout, but they also raised $917 million today. They have enough runway to stay operational the end of the year. "Bankruptcy is off the table for now." (We should be able to return to theatres by then.) A slight majority of this new liquidity comes from issuing new shares, as described in 9. They are also planning to do debt/equity swaps, so those who take out debt can hold shares in the company, and AMC won't get fucked over by high loan payments.
11.) AMC is about 70% shorted, there is much potential to cause a squeeze. However, there are still many more reasons to invest in AMC beyond a simple short squeeze.
12.) AMC does very well when it is not pandemic. $5.4 billion in revenue last year, and there will be many movies, as well as many moviegoers that come out after the pandemic. Especially with major franchise movies, which have been delayed. They have also reached a deal with Universal, which allows Universal to do home releases earlier, but stipulates they must be in theatres for 17 days before that.
13.) AMC is only $12 a share right now... Even if it loses, you’re only going to lose a bit. Meanwhile, the ceiling is high, and there is much potential. If you want in, do it now while it's cheap. People keep talking about how dumb it is to buy during the pandemic, but this is the point of largest potential. Don't wait for the recovery to buy.
14.) AMC used to trade at $10 before the pandemic. Let’s keep it at its former glory. AMC deserved a $1bn market cap and they got one. They will probably hit $20 tomorrow (predicting $25 by Feb1, peak in summer with COVID all done.).
15.) Even though the Net income is negative and they lose money, it consistently stays in the hundred thousands range, and it does not lose that much. Any autist on here from GME could pay the difference. AMC has also increased gross profits year over year, from 2,004,200 in 2016, to 3,493,200.
(The rest of these bullet points are just jokes, so feel free to skip if you want.)
16.) Without AMC there’s no place to spend my AMC points, and there better be a place for me to spend those points because I invested my entire life savings into those damn AMC stubs.
17.) Going to the movies was my childhood. We must save my childhood. DO NOT LET AMC DIE. Save AMC.
18.) You can take ur wife and her bf to the movies when this is over.
19.) The AMC food court literally sells tendies. (But we should call AMC tendies popcorns instead.)
20.) STONCCS only go up.
21.) you guys are all retard who cannot think for themselves and will do whatever is echoed in this fucking internet cave.
TL;DR : AMC has done a great job with fundraising and can survive until the end of the year. Vaccine rollout has started, and recovery is coming soon. People are due to return to movies. About 70% of shares are shorted, so we can potentially trigger a squeeze.

Pandemic recovery & squeeze combo.

Buy AMC. Or don’t. Your choice.
If you’re with us, let's save the movies. I hope you like popcorn. Get on the rocket, because you're going to the moon.
If you don’t, then bye bye, I wish you the best.
"The sun is shining on AMC." - Adam Aron
Sources Cited:
Portfolio disclosure: I own 200 shares of AMC long currently.
The above references an opinion and is for information purposes only. It is not intended to be investment advice. Seek a duly licensed professional for investment advice. Invest at your own risk, and understand that you may lose money. These are just my thoughts, make your own decisions, and do your own research.
EDIT: the autobot seriously out here banning me for talking AMC smh. It was fucking worth it.Well, if i can't comment, I will let you know that I am with you AMC army retards with my upvotes and awards.


EDIT 3: for the retards buying calls, BUY SHARES, not calls.

EDIT 4: for those of you who can't understand English, what i'm trying to say is



EDIT 5: ONCE AGAIN, BUY SHARES NOT CALLS. NOT DIFFICULT. also i've realized that most of you are buying because i said "short squeeze one time". this isn't over, this is going far beyond the squeeze. diamond hands until COVID ends.


EDIT 7: DONT BE A PAPERHANDS BITCH! GO BUY THE DIP! You’ll need some dip for your tendies, there are no stops on the way to the moon. (You’ll have to piss in a bucket)

EDIT 8: updated price targets on AMC, updated portfolio disclosure, and now a reason 21.

EDIT 9: there will not be a dip. Go buy it now to fuel the rocket. It’s not too late. If there is a dip, take advantage to expand your holding in AMC

EDIT 10: (because I’m a greedy bitch): if you feel like supporting me, you can either

1.) buy amc shares.


2.) make a direct donation to me. My crypto wallet is:

0x86c4e867c9E5b72872a505d2ae1F24312E3b73c8 You can send me any coins, but EtheEtheruem (ETH) is preferred.

EDIT 11: i have a twitter now.


EDIT 13: making price adjustments to keep this relevant.

EDIT 14: keeping it relevant

EDIT 15: reminder: it’s buy o clock. You best not sell. HOLD THE LINE. We’re heading to the moon, no matter what these robberhood shittertons or hedge funds say. We fell because we were locked out of purchasing. We will return to normal. DONT SURRENDER NOW. HOLD THE LINE. HOLD THE STONK.

submitted by my-time-has-odor to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

What is Citadel and where do I go to get away from them?

So, right now, you might be asking yourself "Fuck Robinhood. Where should I, Timmy from Charlotte, move my account? Fuck Robinhood. How do I get away from Citadel? Fuck Robinhood. What is going on? Fuck Robinhood." I'm not 100% sure where this post is going so I can't promise I'll answer any of those questions but my goal here is still coherent conversation so maybe someone else might have those answers in the comments. Idk.

What is Citadel and what do they do?

A hedge fund wrapped up with an advisory service, an execution venue, a market maker, an IPO partner, a sandwich shop, etc.. Such megacorps pay firms fractions of a cent to pass each order through them for execution. The more orders the brokerage passes along, the more they're paid. Money is involved because the more orders that pass through a particular execution venue first, the faster they can make decisions about the direction of the market on both the micro and macro scale. This is the current nature of the market. Order data for 'new' and 'small' traders using self-directed firms has been especially valuable the last 20 years because you do things institutions cannot. You can open a new position based on a tweet while the major advisory services need to whip out the scales and weigh the cost of moving assets for countless customers at once and that's even further complicated if they're designated fiduciaries because, in their book, reacting quickly implies that there's unknown risks involved. For example, they did the numbers on a particular company six months ago and decided it wouldn't be profitable in another six months. Even in 2021, they just can't move as fast as you but knowing what you're doing is a step closer to them being able to respond sooner with smaller changes rather than react with major changes when shit hits the fan. (BTW, the fatal flaw on $GME is that they tried to play the old 'cull the weak' game that worked for them for decades and absolutely chose to ignore the direction the market was moving until it was too late. If they'd used the order flow and other data they're paying so much cash to access and were as bright as they imagine they are, it would have been rough but even hardcore shorts could have lived through this week. Retail investors can pat themselves on the back for exploiting it but Melvin Capital got fucked by hubris and lack of awareness.)
Not to get all RZA between songs on it but that's why the title of this sub has been 'Welcome to the machine!' for a long time now. The major players know you dream of making it big, buying a car, having a steak, and all the other things Roger wrote about, just by doing something you enjoy (playing guitar but it could be your art, you talents in math or science, taps in a mobile game, or in this instance investing) and they'll welcome you in with open arms, convince you that they'll be a guide and there to help, knowing they'll get a cut just by letting you do what you do and finding a way to package it. People over simplify it with "if the service is free, you are the product" because they don't notice that the machine will also make you pay if it can. Money for order flow has made it easier for others to provide the space for you to do what you do without noticing they're cashing in even if you don't but don't forget that the machine can be other investors. The machine can be the large firms. The machine can be investment advice columnists. Hedge funds and brokerages aren't the only 'machine operators' in the financial industry.

Which firms use Citadel and which ones don't?

They all use Citadel.
I'm not joking, I've kept up to date on execution venues (people probably thought I was just lecturing them about understanding order flow here but I dislike Virtu as a venue and Apex as a clearing firm which I've talked about here for years) and the concentration of orders being fed to the short list of venues has not changed in a positive way because that's where the money is. The idea for this post came to me this morning because no news article, no TV interview, and not a single hot take on Twitter I've read so far has managed to mention just how embedded Citadel individually is in the modern market. I had AOC's live stream on in the background last night and even the guests seemed to imply that Citadel is a little firm propping up Robinhood and that nobody could have seen this blowing up one day. These relationships (even down to how much money is paid) are public by law. Every quarter, both sides are required to release data on order flow in 605 (raw), and 606/607 reports.
Here's a quick rundown of places I could come up with off the top of my head that use Citadel as their primary or secondary execution venue and what percentage of orders for S&P 500 listed securities they recently sent through Citadel:
Firm Market orders % Marketable* limit orders %
e*Trade 36.33 37.16
Schwab 31.61 30.06
TDA 60.04 59.25
Edward Jones 36.91 47.49
Webull 50.85 53.71
Interactive Brokers 25.34 11.24
Wells Fargo 35.02 32.85
Firsttrade # 0.95 0.60
TradeStation 28.14 26.90
ally 40.15 44.76
Robinhood 50.82 50.24
Alpaca $ 11.07 3.31
Fidelity 52.28 45.09
Apex clearing @ 40.97 42.76
Wealthfront 100 50.01
Tastyworks 59.97 61.18
* Marketable limit orders are those that immediately have a chance of executing against the current spread
# Firsttrade is predominantly a dark pool only sending orders away when they require liquidity
$ Alpaca is an API-first firm which I like and talk about on Discord sometimes because I wish RH would open their API but they're still backed by Apex which I dissuade everyone from getting involved with because Penson Financial Services.
% IEX is a closed loop exchange that internally clears orders among customers (great source for free order data to test algos)
@ Apex is the clearing agent for many smaller firms including Public.com, Betterment, Acorns, M1, Rize, Stockpile, Stash,
Now, when you look at that list, remember three things:

Where to go?

If IEX was larger, that would be a decent alternative for equities but they don't have a silly app that looks good in screenshots but tells you nothing useful. I can't think of a self-directed firm that can currently exist without Citadel and the rest. If you do, post about it, I guess.

More things I for sure do not know...

...but hope someone wants to talk about.


Doxxing myself more and more but I worked for a market analytics/quantitative research firm in the city that was eventually gobbled up by Virtu. I'd moved abroad months earlier anyway but we loved that job and they only wanted the algos we'd designed so fuck Virtu.
My current day job makes trading public companies complex (which is why I only talk about algotrading ETH on Discord). Most of my self-directed play money is still with TDA (haven't made a trade there or on RH in almost three years) but the majority of my family's assets, my retirement, my kid's inheritances and college funds, and on and on have been handled by GS for nearly two decades and likely will continue to be even after I return to the private sector. Now, what would be sweet is if Goldman Sachs would extend their investment arm (which sends orders directly to exchanges) to the general public like they have with their Marcus savings accounts. If they could devise a way to legally pass a good percentage of all (would be dependent on volume of the security, etc.) orders directly to the floor as a bundle, they'd break even at best on it but that would actually 'democratize the market.'
submitted by CardinalNumber to RobinHood [link] [comments]

AMC DD - 2.3.21 🚀🚀🚀

Let’s all go to the movies, then the moon. Before we begin, this is not financial advice, if you want financial advice to lose money, turn on CNBC.
With no more bankruptcy worries, additional liquidity, a reopening trade with more vaccines coming through the funnel, and with additional hype surrounding the brand, revenues should increase in FY2021 and FY2022+, giving AMC potential to reach prior highs at the $35 area, w/o a short squeeze. With? $60+. Important to note: The expected liquidation value post liquidity injection this past week, would be HIGHER than the current market cap. Also Blackrock now has a 5%+ stake in AMC. Bet with the suits that the FED trusts.
What a crazy time, where the internet fights against greedy hedge funds and boomers who don’t manage their risk and over-short various equities. Not a surprise, as the wise Gordon Gecko once stated, Greed is Good. Now it seems it’s legal. Because everyone is drinking the same Kool-Aid.
Well, some of these funds got bailed out last Thursday in some of the largest VISIBLE market manipulation you can ever see, where individuals were only allowed to sell shares and many were FORCED to sell shares into a price well below the price equilibrium. What does that mean? To refresh the Econ 101 class lesson that the hedgies snorted coke through, when you cut Demand by say, 70%, yet force the supply to stay near the same or even increase, the price paid per, in this case, share, will be SIGNIFICANTLY LOWER than the fair market price. To Robinhood, TDA, and any other big firm that made a point to lower the fair market price of the various equities ranging from GME, AMC, BB, and others, I hope the SEC can get off their paid off asses and do their job for the American people. Also, to the Biden Administration that stands for the people, unity, and liberty, get off your lazy asses and do your goddamn job. We know many of the various representatives and organizations are corrupt, but at least catch the hand that’s still in the cookie jar.
Now lets begin with AMC’s true value, and most importantly, what their future value is.
The Cons:
One of the biggest issues that loomed over AMC’s head was bankruptcy. And it was a BIG fucking problem. So much so, the equity went from trading at $30+ to sub $5, especially hit by the pandemic and all it’s wonderful externalities. Back in April and May, two firms actually upgraded this stock with more positive outlooks, B. Riley FBR with a target of $4, and MKM Partners (sound familiar from 2.1.21?) with a target of $5 claiming that their risk of bankruptcy is lower and with the reopening of theatres possible from Covid presumably coming to more of a halt. Well today, the brilliant mind at MKM, Eric Handler, decided to downgrade the stock again with a price target of $1. Surprising, since they actually got a cash infusion recently by offering shares… Wait what? Oh yeah, wall street analysts are as much of a joke as their predictions of the future. No wonder they are so wrong all the time. Eric, I get you want to get your inner Kanye out but please take the medication before you put out a completely illogical downgrade compared to your firms last upgrade and PT. You do have a fiduciary responsibility, after all.
Recently, AMC actually raised a ton of cash even before any offering of shares or anything of the like. To quote the President and CEO of AMC, Adam Aron, “Any talk of an imminent bankruptcy for AMC is completely off the table.” Then the stock RAN from 3 to 25 in a short period of time, and AMC did what TSLA does best, they raised cash. In fact they extended their cash lines by a smidge over $1B USD. Heh, not bad to combat bankruptcy.
Lets look at YOY ER:
We will get Full FY2020 results on 2.25, lets use the numbers we have already.
Attribute FY 2020 FY2019 FY2018
Total Revenue 2,527.60 5,471.00 5,460.80
Gross Profit 1,654.30 3,493.20 3,479.70
Operating Expense 5,617.30 5,335.00 5,195.80
Operating Income -3,089.70 136.00 265.00
Net Income -3,656.80 -149.10 110.10
Operating Expenses aren’t pretty, but a bulk is from Q1 and since, Covid has been a slaughter. Now how to we recover from a very dreary year? Pretty simple: Have cash to stave off upcoming costs, start opening up your theatres so that you can get those rev. numbers up, and begin partnering with old and new media companies in ways that haven’t been as exposed in the past, creating new revenue streams. Now lets go through these.
News Events
AMC announced that they will be able to last months before raising additional cash this past week. They then proceeded to raise over a billion dollars.
AMC announced that they will now be opening a majority of their theatres again. Movie releases will start to come back, per the industry.
Blackrock, one of the largest investment banks on the planet, has a +5% stake within the company,
JNJ and NVAX announced their Phase 3 vaccine results with decent efficacy. Reopening needs this as larger vaccine availability means a quicker reopening trade.
A bolstering of hype surrounding the company by the common man, with hundreds of millions of eyes if not billions, increasing net exposure of this once beloved brand to the general public yet again. Think movies were coming back? Now they are going to be back, bigly.
A short squeeze was set off recently as well, costing funds who were short AMC hundreds of millions to potentially over a billion dollars. This is one of the main driving forces brought to AMC, which we will cover below.
Needs to survive:
Have cash? Well recent funding and stock sales provides liquidity. AMC will survive FY2021. Check! Start opening theatres? Vaccine distribution is to expand exponentially, especially with the results of JNJ and NVAX covid vaccines adding onto PFE and MRNA’s. Biden admin ftw? Time for AMC to get some revs back. Check! New rev streams? This is something that AMC will need to work on, and in my opinion, are underexposed to.
It is my belief that this is one thing stopping AMC from becoming a TITAN, with their reach and location across the country, there are many major and minor partnerships that can be started to generate revenue, especially in a post-covid world. NFLX on the big screen? Doable, even with potential discounts for NFLX customers. Disney+, same! Streaming will have its moment of fatigue and film will be a fad, but there are many many avenues to attack the entertainment senses of a theatre attendee. What if Epic Games utilized AMC to throw some of their concerts, having individuals log in to a server of that theatre or theatres to attend some crazy concerts with their parents and other kids/teens just like them? I would love for AMC to bring on new members into the board to enhance the theatre experience. Food for thought to CEO Aron.
Short Float:
Now this is something very important with the recent momentum in this stock. According to finviz, as of today, 2.1.21, the short float is at a whopping 43.82%. Issue with finviz that I am seeing, is that there are only 107 MM shares outstanding, looking like a pretty significant ~47 MM are short. I’m seeing that there are 339 MM shares outstanding, so if that number can align, the amount of shares short are triple at 120 MM, which wouldn’t surprise me given the lovely and reputable news stories we get from CNBC, Bloomberg, and whatever sorry piece of shit that thinks that reddit is targeting a short squeeze in a $1.5 Trillion dollar market in Silver, as well as other useless coins.
Longing the stock
With the biggest concern to AMC, bankruptcy, behind them now, we can safely say it is worth it to look at the stock in a more elevated view. Let’s proceed.
Upon our recent review on AMC, our projections for revs to increase to ~5.4 B from the meager numbers in 2020, with a now-healthier view on AMC’s financials and cash-on-hand due to recent strides to increase liquidity. With additional potential revenue streams of new partners who grew at WFH scenarios such as NFLX, DIS, ROKU, and others, we project that this company should be seeing more explosive growth in the next 3-5 years and have lower expectations of ~6B in revs per year, and a larger bull case of ~9-10 B in revs if expansions do occur and new revenue streams are fully actualized. Anything above is a gift.
Now to actually long the equity: With RH opening up more shares allowed, other brokers allowing this equity to be traded and accepting more and more users with each day as they migrate from one of the worst brokerages around (RH), this should give more buying power into the recently popular AMC and GME trades. With such a high short rate and with many traders believing that the hype is done for, I expect additional firepower in the long trade as these traders will have to cover. Without the short %, my PT would be $20, but with, this could go quite far and squeeze anywhere between 40-60 if not beyond. It’s not really a trade as much as it is a math problem.
Long AMC.🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
someone asked about positions: 3700 shares and will buy more soon, just focusing on managing this trade. I did reenter my BB trade
submitted by Rotatos to smallstreetbets [link] [comments]

Announcing the Winners of the Smarkies, the Botchies, and the 2020 Wreddit Awards

The Smarkies, or the Best of Wrestling in 2020

Best Overall Wrestler

Nominee Percentage
Jon Moxley 27.1%
Kenny Omega 17.6%
Drew McIntyre 9.0%
Roman Reigns 7.5%
Kota Ibushi 6.5%
"Hangman" Adam Page 5.7%
Sasha Banks 5.5%
Bayley 4.2%
Asuka 4.0%
Randy Orton 2.4%
Io Shirai 1.7%
Go Shiozaki 1.7%
Hiromu Takahashi 1.6%
Mayu Iwatani 0.8%

Male Wrestler of the Year

Nominee Percentage
Jon Moxley 32.2%
Drew McIntyre 15.7%
Roman Reigns 12.4%
Kenny Omega 12.3%
Brodie Lee 9.0%
"Hangman" Adam Page 7.7%
Kota Ibushi 5.0%
Tetsuya Naito 2.1%
Go Shiozaki 2.1%
Hiromu Takahashi 1.5%

Female Wrestler of the Year

Nominee Percentage
Sasha Banks 25.7% (or 870 votes)
Bayley 25.7% (or 870 votes)
Asuka 17.5%
Io Shirai 11.8%
Thunder Rosa 6.6%
Hikaru Shida 4.3%
Mayu Iwatani 3.7%
Giulia 2.4%
Deonna Purrazzo 1.2%
Yuka Sakazaki 0.9%

Tag Team of the Year

Nominee Percentage
Kenny Omega and "Hangman" Adam Page 26.5%
The Young Bucks 17.0%
The Golden Role Models 12.1%
FTR 7.6%
The Hurt Business 7.0%
Best Friends 6.1%
The Street Profits 5.9%
The New Day 5.6%
Dangerous Tekkers 5.3%
The Undisputed Era 4.4%
The North 2.2%

Non-Wrestler of the Year

Nominee Percentage
Tony Schiavone 21.2%
Taz 15.7%
Tony Khan 15.5%
Paul Heyman 11.0%
Ross Tweddell 8.5%
Sue 7.3%
William Regal 7.2%
Excalibur 7.1%
Don Callis 6.6%

Traditional Match of the Year

Nominee Percentage
Kenny Omega and "Hangman" Adam Page vs. The Young Bucks, Revolution 33.1%
WALTER vs. Ilja Dragunov, NXT UK 11.1%
The Men's Royal Rumble Match 9.1%
Kazuchika Okada vs. Tetsuya Naito, Wrestle Kingdom 14 Night 2 5.6%
Best Friends vs. Proud and Powerful, Parking Lot Brawl 4.9%
Kazuchika Okada vs. Kota Ibushi, Wrestle Kingdom 14 Night 1 4.7%
Finn Bálor vs. Kyle O'Reilly, TakeOver 31 4.4%
Sami Zayn vs. Jeff Hardy vs. AJ Styles, Ladder Match 3.6% (123 votes)
FTR vs. The Young Bucks, Full Gear 3.6% (123 votes)
Bayley vs. Sasha Banks, Hell in a Cell 3.1%
Edge vs. Randy Orton, The Greatest Wrestling Match Ever 2.8%
Roman Reigns vs. Jey Uso, Hell in a Cell 2.7%
PAC vs. Kenny Omega, Iron Man Match 2.6%
Roman Reigns vs. Jey Uso, Clash of Champions 2.3%
Orange Cassidy vs. PAC, Full Gear 1.7%
Will Ospreay vs. Hiromu Takahashi, Wrestle Kingdom 14 Night 1 1.2% (41 votes)
Rey Fenix vs. Penta El 0 M 1.2% (41 votes)
Kota Ibushi vs. Minoru Suzuki, G1 Climax Day 13 1.1%
Go Shiozaki vs. Katsuhiko Nakajima, NOAH The Chronicle Vol. 4 0.4%

Cinematic Match of the Year

Nominee Percentage
The Elite and Matt Hardy vs. The Inner Circle, Stadium Stampede 35.8%
John Cena vs. The Fiend, Firefly Funhouse Match 32.1%
The Undertaker vs. AJ Styles, Boneyard Match 32.1%

Event of the Year

Nominee Percentage
AEW Dynamite: Brodie Lee Celebration of Life 45.6%
WWE Royal Rumble 20.5%
AEW Revolution 14.0%
NJPW Wrestle Kingdom 14 Night 1 10.1%
AEW Full Gear 5.5%
AEW Winter is Coming 4.4%

Breakout Star

Nominee Percentage
Eddie Kingston 24.1%
Orange Cassidy 17.8%
John Silver 16.1%
Pat McAfee 12.5%
Jey Uso 9.0%
Ricky Starks 5.6%
Shotzi Blackheart 5.3%
Kyle O'Reilly 4.9%
Giulia 2.8%
Raquel Gonzalez 1.7%

Best Face

Nominee Percentage
"Hangman" Adam Page 27.6%
Drew McIntyre 22.8%
Jon Moxley 22.7%
Orange Cassidy 12.4%
Asuka 5.3%
Hiroshi Tanahashi 4.1%
Kevin Owens 3.6%
Mayu Iwatani 1.5%

Best Heel

Nominee Percentage
Roman Reigns 31.0%
MJF 24.8%
Jay White 15.2%
Randy Orton 9.2%
Eddie Kingston 7.7%
Brodie Lee 5.7%
Bayley 4.8%
KENTA 1.5%

Best Talker (Wrestler)

Nominee Percentage
Eddie Kingston 47.4%
MJF 16.3%
Jon Moxley 9.7%
Roman Reigns 8.2%
Sami Zayn 7.2%
Pat McAfee 7.2%
Kevin Owens 3.9%

Best Talker (Non Wrestler)

Nominee Percentage
Taz 22.6%
Paul Heyman 21.5%
Samoa Joe 16.1%
Tony Schiavone 11.3%
Excalibur 10.9%
Don Callis 9.9%
Jake Roberts 5.1%
William Regal 2.6%

Most Improved

Nominee Percentage
Dark Order 35.1%
Roman Reigns 18.8%
Jey Uso 10.8%
Dr. Britt Baker, DMD 10.7%
"Hangman" Adam Page 8.7%
Damian Priest 6.0%
Taichi 5.0%
Raquel Gonzalez 4.9%

Best Brand or Promotion

Nominee Percentage
AEW 64.4%
Smackdown 14.7%
NXT 10.5%
NJPW 8.4%
Stardom 1.1%
NOAH 0.8%

Markout Moment of the Year (aka Best Spot)

Nominee Percentage
Edge returns at the Royal Rumble 41.1%
Sting returns to TNT at Winter is Coming 10.0%
Kenny Omega leaves for Impact with the AEW Championship 8.9%
Kenny Omega kicks out at one after the Young Bucks hit the Golden Trigger 8.5%
Drew McIntyre eliminates Brock Lesnar in the Royal Rumble Match 7.5%
Brodie Lee beats Cody for the TNT Championship 7.4%
Tetsuya Naito beats Kazuchika Okada at Wrestle Kingdom 6.1%
Roman Reigns turns heel at Summerslam 4.5%
El Desperado removes what's left of his mask at the BOSJ Finals 3.0%
Sue flips the bird after the Parking Lot Brawl 3.0%

Best Entrance

Nominee Percentage
Edge, Royal Rumble 44.6%
Sting, Winter is Coming 25.1%
Kazuchika Okada, Wrestle Kingdom 14 Night 1 10.7%
Best Friends, Fight for the Fallen 5.6%
Chris Jericho, Revolution 5.6%
"Hangman" Adam Page, Double or Nothing 5.5%
Kenny Omega, Full Gear 2.8%

Best Attire

Nominee Percentage
nWo "Hollywood" John Cena, WrestleMania 36 Night 2 39.4%
Kazuchika Okada, Wrestle Kingdom 14 22.0%
Shotzi Blackheart, Halloween Havoc 18.9%
Orange Cassidy, Fyter Fest 11.7%
Seth Rollins, Summerslam 8.1%

Promo of the Year

Nominee Percentage
Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston faceoff, Dynamite Nov. 4 28.9%
Roman Reigns and Jey Uso before Clash of Champions 14.3%
MJF and Chris Jericho, Le Dinner Debonair 13.0%
Eddie Kingston, AEW Debut 11.1%
Randy Orton loves Edge more than Beth Phoenix ever could 8.9%
Pat McAfee on Adam Cole 6.3%
Brodie Lee Dog Collar Match promo 6.2%
Jake "The Snake" Roberts, AEW Debut 5.5%
Jon Moxley talks about fatherhood 3.8%
Jon Moxley tells Darby Allin to stay down 2.1%

Feel Good Moment of the Year

Nominee Percentage
Edge returns at the Royal Rumble 38.9%
Becky Lynch announces she's pregnant 26.3%
Naito finally beats Okada at Wrestle Kingdom 12.9%
The Otis/Mandy Rose Love Story 6.7%
Jon Moxley casually announces he and Renee Paquette are expecting 5.5%
Brandon Cutler wins a match 5.0%
Sting and Tony Schiavone speak on Sting's debut 4.7%

Gimmick of the Year

Nominee Percentage
Roman Reigns, Head of the Table/Tribal Chief 40.5%
"Hangman" Adam Page, Anxious Millennial Cowboy 28.4%
Orange Cassidy, Sloth Style 11.7%
John Silver and Alex Reynolds, Recruitment Specialists 7.9%
Bayley, the Role Model 6.2%
Sami Zayn, the Great Liberator 5.3%

Most Shocking Moment

Nominee Percentage
Edge returns at the Royal Rumble 31.5%
The ending of Jon Moxley vs. Kenny Omega 16.7%
Sting debuts in AEW 15.1%
Roman Reigns is a Paul Heyman Guy 13.8%
EVIL gives Naito the Too Sweet and joins the Bullet Club 10.6%
The Firefly Funhouse Match 7.9%
Leon Ruff wins the NXT North American Championship 4.3%

Most Underrated

Nominee Percentage
Chad Gable 21.8%
Sami Zayn 20.3%
Wardlow 10.4%
Drew Gulak 10.2%
El Desperado 8.3%
Chuck Taylor 7.8%
The Hybrid 2 7.7%
Jungle Boy 7.1%
Scorpio Sky 6.4%

Best Twitter

Nominee Percentage
Sami Zayn 24.2%
"Hangman" Adam Page 22.5%
Chuck Taylor 20.1%
T-Bar / Dominik Dijakovic 17.9%
Maki Itoh 8.9%
Oney Lorcan 6.5%

Best Ancillary Content

Nominee Percentage
BTE 34.2%
Botchamania 21.0%
Cultaholic 17.0%
OSW Review 10.1%
Wrestling With Wregret 9.1%
newLEGACYinc 6.4%
Sammy Guevara's Vlogs 2.3%

Best Video Package

Nominee Percentage
Brodie Lee In Memorium 69.4%
Pat Patterson tribute video 9.3%
The Young Bucks vs. Omega and Hangman 5.6%
Jon Moxley vs. Eddie Kingston 5.5%
Keith Lee vs. Karrion Kross 5.3%
Countdown to Kenny Omega vs. "Hangman" Adam Page 4.9%

Best Faction

Nominee Percentage
Dark Order 35.0%
The Hurt Business 25.3%
The Undisputed Era 13.7%
The Inner Circle 10.6%
Los Ingobernables de Japon 6.4%
Team Taz 5.0%
Suzuki-Gun 3.9%

The Botchies, or the Worst of Wrestling in 2020

Worst Overall Wrestler

Nominee Percentage
Nia Jax 39.5%
Goldberg 21.5%
Lars Sullivan 19.3%
Brandi Rhodes 11.4%
Jaxson Ryker 8.3%

Worst Male Wrestler

Nominee Percentage
Goldberg 29.9%
Lars Sullivan 27.3%
Velveteen Dream 10.7%
Jaxson Ryker 10.3%
Luther 10.0%
Jake Hager 7.4%
Baron Corbin 4.4%

Worst Female Wrestler

Nominee Percentage
Nia Jax 66.3%
Brandi Rhodes 17.4%
Lana 7.1%
Mel 4.9%
Big Swole 4.2%

Worst Tag Team

Nominee Percentage
The Forgotten Sons 36.1%
The Nightmare Sisters 27.6%
Peyton Royce and Lacey Evans 19.2%
Miro and Kip Sabian 17.2%

Worst Non-Wrestler

Nominee Percentage
Drake Wuertz 24.1%
Vince McMahon 17.9%
Kevin Dunn 14.7%
Jim Cornette 11.6%
Josh Matthews 11.4%
Road Dogg 9.6%
Jim Ross 6.8%
Peter Rosenberg 3.8%

Worst Match

Nominee Percentage
The Fiend vs. Goldberg, WWE Super ShowDown 57.8%
Sammy Guevara vs. Matt Hardy, All Out 28.0%
Brock Lesnar vs. Ricochet, WWE Super ShowDown 7.2%
Big Swole vs. Rebel and Penelope Ford 6.9%

Worst Event

Nominee Percentage
WWE Super ShowDown 66.2%
Talk 'N Shop A Mania 12.4%
AEW All Out 11.1%
The Horror Show at Extreme Rules 10.3%

Biggest Regression

Nominee Percentage
Velveteen Dream 27.8%
Chris Jericho 18.6%
Ricochet 16.5%
Dominik Dijakovic / T-Bar 11.7%
Tucker 6.4%
The IIconics 6.1%
Keith Lee 5.8%
Rhea Ripley 5.2%
Mustafa Ali 1.9%

Worst Face

Nominee Percentage
Braun Strowman 30.7%
Lana 16.7%
Cody Rhodes 14.7%
Brandi Rhodes 14.3%
The Fiend 14.0%
The Young Bucks 9.6%

Worst Heel

Nominee Percentage
Retribution 33.6%
Nia Jax 26.6%
The Forgotten Sons 16.3%
King Corbin 15.1%
EVIL 8.4%

The Shockmaster Award for Worst Gimmick

Nominee Percentage
Retribution 27.7%
Shorty G 26.9%
Miro 14.3%
The Nightmare Collective 13.3%
CancelCulture 13.1%
Akira Tozawa 2.2%
Otis 2.0%
Ivar 0.5%

Worst Non-Kayfabe Moment

Nominee Percentage
The various sexual predators exposed in the Speaking Out Moment 47.4%
Velveteen Dream is outed as a predator, WWE continues to feature him 12.9%
WWE releases talent during a pandemic 9.7%
Chris Jericho's 2020 outside of the ring 8.4%
Joey Ryan attempts to silence/sue his accusers, turns to god 8.3%
WWE's handling of talent using third-party streaming content, releasing Zelina Vega 7.1%
The wrestling industry grinds to a standstill due to the Coronavirus 6.2%

The Golden Shovel Award for Burial of the Year

Nominee Percentage
Goldberg defeating the Fiend 30.2%
Ricochet following Super ShowDown 25.3%
Breaking up the IIconics 15.8%
Retribution 11.7%
Tucker 10.9%
Rusev 6.0%

WTF Moment of the Year

Nominee Percentage
AEW continues the Matt Hardy vs. Sammy Guevara match at All Out 26.8%
WWE fires several people during a pandemic 20.8%
Cody's tattoo 20.4%
Rey Mysterio gets his eyeball ripped out 8.6%
Tessa Blanchard wins the Impact World Championship after attitude problems/racism are revealed, refuses to lose it 8.1%
Breakign up the IIconics 7.8%
RAW Underground 4.9%
The Lars interview 2.5%

Most Overrated

Nominee Percentage
Cody Rhodes 22.5%
Karrion Kross 22.1%
Nia Jax 15.0%
Braun Strowman 14.1%
The Fiend 11.7%
Randy Orton 8.2%
EVIL 6.4%

Worst Promo

Nominee Percentage
Lars Sullivan, Going Postal 35.6%
Jade Cargil's debut 21.4%
Braun Strowman's heavy breathing 15.3%
Braun Strowman doesn't understand "Last but not Least" 12.6%
MizTV Toilet Humor 11.2%
Finn Balor, Litterbox 3.8%

Worst Brand or Promotion

Nominee Percentage
RAW 42.8%
WWE 33.7%
ROH 15.6%
CMLL 7.9%

Worst Storyline

Nominee Percentage
Rusev/Lana/Lashley/Liv Morgan cheating angle 33.4%
Retribution 19.6%
The Nightmare Collective 14.6%
King Corbin vs. Roman Reigns 8.1%
RAW Underground 8.0%
The Drake Maverick firing/redemption arc 5.7%

The WHAT? Award for Worst Talker

Nominee Percentage
Josh Matthews 30.2%
Lars Sullivan 29.7%
Brandi Rhodes 11.3%
Natalya 11.2%
Jim Ross 11.1%
Michael Cole 6.5%

Worst Twitter

Nominee Percentage
Joey Ryan 22.1%
Chris Jericho 15.5%
Drake Wuertz 13.8%
Road Dogg 9.2%
Jaxson Ryker 9.0%
Flip Gordon 7.0%
David Starr 6.6%
Val Venis 6.0%
Jim Cornette 5.5%
Nia Jax 5.2%

Worst Faction

Nominee Percentage
Retribution 44.5%
The Nightmare Collective 23.2%
The Forgotten Sons 22.5%
The Nightmare Family 9.8%

The 2020 Wreddit Awards

Wredditor of the Year

Nominee Percentage
rb_reigns 33.5%
BretHartBuriesThis 17.4%
FuzzyWuzzyMooMoo 17.3%
daprice82 14.6%
tapla 10.3%
KevNashShootsOnThis 5.3%
Coldcoffees 1.6%

Submission of the Year

Nominee Percentage
LazyCanasian's picture of him and his dad, Earthquake 25.3%
Macaveli54's drawing of the Rock 16.2%
The Sting/Shida fanfic 15.2%
The Cody fetus 13.8%
Tapla's art 12.4%
Newborn goat Hector makes friends with Barn Kittens 11.1%
The Rape of the Lock: How uneducated wrestling fans are missing the literary significance of the Nightmare Collective 6.0%

Comment of the Year

Nominee Percentage
BretHartBuriesThis talks about the produce aisle 24.9%
thevoicerises - Miz got cyber bullied so hard this episode, they're gonna give Breeze a ten gallon hat, a limo, and put him on commentary. 17.1%
Find a broom, fight racoons 16.5%
Hit the bricks, goofy. 13.8%
Adrenaline, in my soul, my father Goldust blew his load 11.7%

The Ric_Flair_Bot Award for Best Flair

Nominee Percentage
SparkleCrotchLover - Your Text Here(Orange Cassidy) 28.9%
SadNewsShawn - YAOI WAOI 24.4%
fellongreydaze - Adam "Handwash" Page 23.6%
Sodomy_Steve - Always Edging Wredditors 12.8%
OrangeForeign - Stu Grayson is a coward 10.2%

The SquaredCircle is Leaking Award for Best SquaredCircle Moment in a Non-Wrestling Subreddit

Nominee Percentage
The AJ Styles/Undertaker Meme 55.0%
The guy she told you not to worry about 24.6%
Rob Gronkowski wins the 24/7 title, immediately unretires in /nfl 12.6%
Toto, I don't think we're in SquaredCircle anymore 7.8%

Best AMA

Nominee Percentage
Chris Hero 29.0%
Brian Pillman Jr. 23.6%
EC3 21.2%
Kris Statlander 19.8%
Mikey Rukus 6.4%

Best Related Subreddit

Nominee Percentage
/WrestleWithThePlot 27.8%
/truth 18.2%
/njpw 15.7%
/SCJerk 14.7%
/ishii 8.1%
/wrasslin 6.8%
/stardomjoshi 5.3%
/WrestleWithThePackage 3.3%

Running Joke/Meme of the Year

Nominee Percentage
Japanese Death Match Legend, The Original Death Dealer, Luther 👉🤪 20.8%
'98 Kane 18.2%
The AJ Styles/Undertaker meme 12.4%
He's just a kid 10.5%
Midcarder Cody Rhodes 8.8%
The Wacky Adventures of Dark Order 8.1%
Something something Cody Rhodes 7.0%
Eddie Guerrero's son as a competitor in WWE 6.9%
Master Wato 5.0%
Dustin is Cody's father 2.3%

Best Original Content

Nominee Percentage
rb_reigns' posts 28.6%
Wrestling Observer Rewind 20.9%
BretHartShootsonThis's comments 20.0%
tapla's artwork 14.5%
Evolution of ... 11.8%
thedinochamp's artwork 4.2%

Biggest News Story

Nominee Percentage
The deaths of Brodie Lee, Hana Kimura, Shad Gaspard, and others we lost in 2020 **43.4%
#SpeakingOut 26.5%
The COVID-19 pandemic 22.3%
WWE fires several employees during the pandemic 4.1%
The Undertaker retires 1.9%
Roman Reigns drops out of WrestleMania the day of the show 1.8%
submitted by Slyguy46 to SquaredCircle [link] [comments]

[Video Games] "Too many swordsmen, are there?" The drama over Byleth joining the roster of Super Smash Bros Ultimate

What's Smash?
One of the premier fighting game franchises of all time, Super Smash Bros is a party series published by gaming giant Nintendo which sees characters from their various franchises (alongside several third-party characters) coming together for some family-friendly violence. Beginning with the original title in 1999 for the Nintendo 64, Smash has seen several outings in the years since, such as the iconic Melee for the Gamecube, Brawl for the Wii, the unoriginally named Smash 4 for the WiiU and 3DS, and the most recent title, Ultimate, which released on the Switch in 2018. Ultimate was seen as a huge celebration for the franchise, boasting that EVERYONE IS HERE- all seventy + fighters, ranging from staples of the original game to guest fighters and DLC, were in the launch roster. Helmed by Masahiro Sakurai, Smash is a household name and staple for parties worldwide, with Ultimate being one of the highest-selling fighting games in the world at over 12 million units sold.
What's Fire Emblem?
Fire Emblem is Nintendo's forray into strategy- a turn based fantasy seires that's one of the longer-running staples of the company with its roots in 1990 for the Famicom. Despite a lot of pushing from Nintendo, Fire Emblem failed to take off in the West for many years, with the future of the franchise being uncertain after several successive commercial flops in the 2000s. With the franchise risking cancellation if it failed to find a market, the team made a Hail-Mary pass of epic proportions thanks to Fire Emblem Awakening in 2013- a launch title for the 3DS that finally marked the series getting a foothold in the West. Since then, the series has released three big games: Fates, which wasn't very good due to pulling a Pokemon and cutting the game into three separate releases and having an awful story, Heroes, a free to play mobile game, and Three Houses, which saw the series move to the Nintendo Switch. In Three Houses, you play as Byleth, a mercenary hired to teach one of three classes in a military academy that are all led by House Lords- Edlegard, Dimitri and Claude. Three Houses combined Persona-style time management for social interactions with the tactical gameplay of the series, and was a critical success for the company, selling over 3 million units.
Smash and Fire Emblem's shared history
Fire Emblem and Smash have a tied history, due to Smash being part of the reason the series even began releasing in the West (Fire Emblem had such a small presense before this that a lot of people unironically thought Marth and Ike were original characters made just for the game). Two characters, Roy(Who's also our boi) and Marth, were playable in Melee, with their popularity leading to Nintendo beginning localisation efforts of the other games. Since then, Fire Emblem has gotten consistent additional represetation in each mainline title:
Perhaps one of the largest showings of how tied together the two series are, especially regarding FE getting off the ground in the West, can be seen in the announcement trailer for a re-release of Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light, the first game in the series as part of 30th anniversary celebrations. The trailer shows two young boys playing Melee and wondering where Roy and Marth are from, leading to them discovering Fire Emblem at large.
It's at the launch of Ultimate, before the DLC released, that I'd like to dovetail and cover some of the tensions between Smash and Fire Emblem, alongside the post-launch support Ultimate got.
Smash fans vs Fire Emblem Fans: A Short History
Smash fans and Fire Emblem fans don't get along a lot of the time, it must be said (though Smash fans don't get along with anyone very well). Many Smash fans blame FE as the reason for Smash's roster being stereotyped as "Anime swordboys," due to Nintendo almost entirely drawing from the sword-fighting leads of the series instead of an axe or lance fighter. (Hector from Blazing Blade is often called an example of what a more atypical Smash rep would be due to wielding a large axe). While most of the fighters try and do different things mechanically (Robin is almost entirely a spellcaster for instance, while Corrin can turn into a dragon), that Chrom and Lucina were both moveset clones didn't help this perception.
Many other Nintendo franchise fans aren't happy additionally at how Fire Emblem gets blatant preferential treatment by Nintendo. While it is justified as them wanting to show off the new FE games in each Smash title, that Fire Emblem is all but guaranteed to get new Smash rep every time a new game releases has embittered fans of older franchises that Nintendo hasn't given as much love lately (especially F-Zero, Metroid, Golden Sun and more). Sakurai being an open Fire Emblem fan hasn't helped the perception of an inherent bias for FE, though this is usually countered by the low representation for the Kirby and Kid Icarus franchises despite Sakurai's own roles in them.
By Ultimate, a growing sentiment is that Fire Emblem is getting over-represented, as with the addition of Chrom it was now the third-most represented series in Smash after only Mario and Pokemon. Given FE's niche status in the West for most of this time, fans weren't very happy at this, partly for the aforementioned reason of wanting their own favorite franchises to get a new fighter (Metroid fans at least got a bone when Ridley joined the Ultimate roster and when Dark Samus became an Echo Fighter for Samus).
Ultimate's Fighter Pass 1: HOES MAD
Following Ultimate's launch, Nintendo released a season pass for five characters who would be added post-launch. Smash getting new fighters is notable not just because it means a new fighter and that franchise getting the prestige of saying it got into Smash, but because it means new music that can be used (unless you're Cloud) during matches. For the most part, the DLC fighters got really positive reactions due to the majority being unexpected third-party choices. Case in point, most players never saw it coming when during the Game Awards 2018, the first fighter would be revealed to be Joker from Persona 5. He'd be followed in 2019 by three more reveals: Dragon Quest's Hero, representing the more iconic protagonists in the legendary JRPG franchise, Banjo and Kazooie from the cult Microsoft series, and Terry Bogard from the SNK franchise (shout out to Sakurai's history lesson that's pretending to be a showcase for Terry, which also involves Sakurai's story of how they got 50 tracks from the SNK games into Smash)
Also Sans from Undertale got in. This unironically led to an increase in Mii Gunner mains.
Terry and Hero would generate some salt in the West due to perceived antiquity and lack of pedegree/mainstream appeal (Hero being "another anime sword boy" didn't help), leading to a mocking response of HOES MAD from Hero's fans especially, though Terry's got in on the fun thanks to the pun involving Terry's home series, Fatal Fury.
Thanks to the four characters seen thus far, the expectation was that Fighters Pass 1 would be made entirely of third party characters, and as January 2020 rolled around the expectations were high as to who would get in. Sora from Kingdom Hearts was a popular choice, alongside Geno from the Mario RPG series. Some dumbasses even wanted Tracer from Overwatch, partly thanks to Blizzard all but openly begging Nintendo for a Smash invite. The one with the most consistent support was Dante from the Devil May Cry series. And a few accidental coincidences boosted the idea of Dante getting in:
With expectations set high, everyone tuned in on January 16th 2020 to see the final Season 1 character... and it was Byleth, the player character of Three Houses.
Another fucking Fire Emblem rep. The internet took it well, as you'd expect. Dante's fans just resorted to sad memes and jokes about one of Byleth's alt skins being "close enough" to let them pretend Byleth was Dante.
Smash likes to date around, and Fire Emblem is that girl that he always goes back to.
Byleth Joins The Roster: The Salt Mines Floweth
Byleth's announcement generates some of the most negative reactions to a Smash fighter yet seen, boasting the largest like-dislike ratios of Ultimate's DLC, and only matched for disliked announcements across the entire franchise by Corrin.
A lot of people weren't happy at Byleth's inclusion, suffice to say, though like Terry and Hero the HOES MAD crowd came back for another go around. It didn't help how utterly predictable it was given it was a historical recreation of Corrin's inclusion in WiiU/3DS. While Byleth had been predicted, many expected the mechanical variance would be that Byleth would function similar to the Pokemon Trainer (who swaps between the Gen 1 Pokemon) in that Byleth would command Claude, Dimitri and Edlegard from the sidelines. Instead, Byleth had four weapons- three representing each of the House Leaders alongside their own custom whip-sword, the Sword of the Creator. That being said, at least Nintendo were somewhat self aware about it this time, given the reveal had supporting character Sothis mock Byleth for losing a fight by going "Too many swordsmen, were there?" as a way to reveal that Byleth's female variant would join the roster.
While Byleth did offer some mechanical variety from the other FE reps, some were disappointed that Byleth specifically was representing Three Houses, due to Byleth's personality not being one of their selling points. Perhaps it would have been more preferable to have one of the House Leaders instead represent the game, but given how any one being selected would have been seen as favoritism of the Leaders (and the arguments about said Leaders being quite vicious), Byleth was the safest choice, if perhaps the most predictable. Fans of Xenoblade 2 were also unhappy at clear bias on Sakurai's part, given he'd previously said Rex, the MC, was from too new a game to qualify for a roster slot in Ultimate. In comparrison, Sakurai admitted in his presentation of Byleth that he pestered the developers to get early access copies of Three Houses to get to plan out Byleth's moveset, which only helped the idea of Fire Emblem operating on different rules from other series.
Overall, Byleth was seen as a disappointing inclusion to wrap up the Fighters Pass, with the announcement honestly being more notable for the memes about the salt over the character themself. (My favorites were the ones about Joker adding yet another teacher to his harem) After the shock reveals from relatively niche series such as Persona and SNK, Byleth was generally felt to be an overwhelmingly safe option to close on. While Sakurai did announce Fighters Pass 2 in the same event, promising six more DLC characters for Ultimate, a lot of fans from different franchises were still let down given how unpredictable the first wave had been.
Fighters Pass 2 and the Byleth aftermath
Byleth would launch a few weeks later and the reception was largely "Yeah they're fine," after an initial launch of "Yeah you're fuckin' overtuned and overpowered." They got some people who main them, others swore off them, much like any other DLC character in a fighting game, and the salt gradually diminished.
In February of 2020, Sakurai would tacitly admit during a Famitsu article about Byleth's development that he was aware of the criticism about the addition, saying that he doesn't have as much power over roster choices as people like to believe (Byleth apparently snubbed a fighter he was much more enthusiastic about) but that he agreed that there were a few too many sword fighters and Fire Emblem representatives specifically in the game. Given Sakurai has said Smash will never have a roster as large as Ultimate again, it's likely some of Fire Emblem's representation will be cut down in future games as part of this culling.
That being said, I understand. First and foremost: there are too many Fire Emblem characters; and what’s more there are too many sword-users.
So far, three of the six planned characters for Fighter's Pass 2 have been released, with Min-Min from the Arms series coming first, Steve from Minecraft literally breaking Twitter (Steve's addition could be a post of its own with how much salt he generated) and the OG Anime Sword Boy, the One Winged Angel himself in Sephiroth being announced at the Game Awards 2020. We're still waiting for updates on when the fourth fighter will be revealed and who they may be, but regardless of who it is, there will always be a few mad hoes in the background.
Also Geno finally got into Smash!... As a Mii skin which led to the character's fanbase collectively reaching for a noose. These hoes weren't even that mad, it was mostly just sad.
Still. At least it's better than whatever the Walluigi mains are up to.
Thanks for reading.
submitted by GoneRampant1 to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

AITA Best of 2020 Awards RESULTS!

Without further ado, here are your winners (and selected runners up) for 2020!

Since we're not awarding prizes to thread categories this year, I've included all runners up in these categories for your reading pleasure!

Process for claiming your award (comment and user categories only)

  1. If you see your username mentioned below and/or I message you, please comment on this thread to win the prize. I will reward that comment.
  2. I will also be messaging each winner to notify them. If you do not respond within 7 days (5pm GMT/noon EST on Monday January 25th), the reward points will be given to other random people.
  3. If you used a throwaway, please PM me your actual account using the winning account and I will reward an old comment of your choice.

If you're on mobile you may need to scroll sideways on the table (or click 'show table') to see the winners.

Category Winner Runner Up Prize
Best NTA Judgement Comment personofpaper's Comment snausagefestivus' Comment AITA Mod Award
Best YTA Judgement Comment redheadriot's Comment sluaghlock's Comment AITA Mod Award
Best ESH Judgment Comment redditDK2's Comment N/A AITA Mod Award
Best NAH Judgement Comment desperately_lonely's Comment N/A AITA Mod Award
Best INFO Judgement Comment dos-stinko-uno-pinko's Comment N/A AITA Mod Award
Sassiest NTA Judgement Comment tasunder's Comment N/A AITA Mod Award
Most Empathetic YTA Judgement Comment therapy_works' Comment N/A AITA Mod Award
Most Amusing Comment With A Valid Judgment baby_rhino's Comment N/A AITA Mod Award
Most Persuasive Comment brecollier's Comment N/A AITA Mod Award
Most Well Known User WebbieVanderquack N/A AITA Mod Award
Most Consistently Empathetic and Constructive User WebbieVanderquack N/A AITA Mod Award
Champion of New CarlosFer2201 N/A AITA Mod Award
Best Thread of 2020 AITA for telling my sister that she should have expected to be outshone by her best friend at her wedding? AITA For going out my bedroom window at 1AM during a storm to climb over to my neighbour's bedroom to fix his loudly banging window so I could sleep? He was not happy to see me hanging out there, silhouetted against the street lamp. Frankly he made quite an undignified fuss about it. N/A
Most Wholesome Thread AITA: I asked my trans daughter to choose an Indian name AITA for letting my brother call me "dad" and refusing to tell him the ugly truth? N/A
Most Interesting Thread WIBTA for asking my mom if she lied, and I had an older brother who died? AITA for telling my sister that she should have expected to be outshone by her best friend at her wedding? N/A
Most Difficult Decision To Make AITA for saving one sisters life and not the other? AITA for wanting to take care of my best friend’s children after she passed away? N/A
Nicest Person Who Was An Asshole AITA for not saying anything about the underwear AITA For going out my bedroom window at 1AM during a storm to climb over to my neighbour's bedroom to fix his loudly banging window so I could sleep? He was not happy to see me hanging out there, silhouetted against the street lamp. Frankly he made quite an undignified fuss about it. N/A
Biggest Asshole AITA for euthanizing my daughters emotional support animal for her own sake? AITA for not thinking the joke my family played on my GF was a big deal? N/A
Biggest 180 In An Update AITA for telling my sister that she should have expected to be outshone by her best friend at her wedding? AITA for praising my son differently than my daughter? N/A
Lowest Stakes Post That Still Had A Conflict AITA for eating too many cucumbers AITA for not participating in my friends "scheme" to convince a restaurant to buy his ketchup? N/A

So to summarize the award process:

  1. I will message the winners.
  2. Respond to that message and comment in this thread once.
  3. If you used a throwaway, tell me your real Reddit username and I'll reward another comment.
  4. If you do not respond within 7 days, I will give some lucky AITA subscribers some Reddit Gold.

Prizes for nominators!

We have 25 AITA Mod Awards to give out (same value as platinum!)
After awarding 15 to the winners and runners up of the comment/user awards, that leaves us with 10 remaining.
They are being awarded to the first 10 users to make nominations who submitted their username:
  1. jenh66
  2. calm_memories
  3. captainshadow45
  4. rbollige
  5. iwillattack
  6. anonymotron42
  7. josdawg
  8. helloall-goodbyeall
  9. itsmrben
  10. elizabethdoesphysics

Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you to everyone that nominated, voted, or commented on one of the threads!

submitted by fizzan141 to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

"I think I've lived long enough to see competitive Counter-Strike as we know it, kill itself." Summary of Richard Lewis' stream (Long)

I want to preface that the contents of this post is for informational purposes. I do not condone or approve of any harassments or witch-hunting or the attacking of anybody.
Richard Lewis recently did a stream talking about the terrible state of CS esports and I thought it was an important stream anyone who cares about the CS community should listen to.
Vod Link here: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/830415547
I realize it is 3 hours long so I took it upon myself to create a list of interesting points from the stream so you don't have to listen to the whole thing, although I still encourage you to do so if you can.
I know this post is still long but probably easier to digest, especially in parts.
Here is a link to my raw notes if you for some reason want to read through this which includes some omitted stuff. It's in chronological order of things said in the stream and has some time stamps. https://pastebin.com/6QWTLr8T


CSPPA - Counter-Strike Professional Players' Association

"Who does this union really fucking serve?"

ESIC - Esports Integrity Commission

"They have been put in an impossible position."

Stream Sniping

"They're all at it in the online era, they're all at it, they're all cheating, they're all using exploits, probably that see through smoke bug got used a bunch of times"

Match Fixing

"How many years have we let our scene be fucking pillaged by these greedy cunts?" "We just let it happen."

North America

"Everyone in NA has left we've lost a continents worth of support during this pandemic and Valve haven't said a fucking word."


"TO's have treated CS talent like absolute human garbage for years now."


"Anything that Riot does, is better than Valve's inaction"

Closing Statements

"We've peaked. If we want to sustain and exist, now is the time to figure it out. No esports lasts as long as this, we've already done 8 years. We've already broke the records. We have got to figure out a way to coexist and drive the negative forces out and we need to do it as a collective and we're not doing that."

submitted by Tharnite to GlobalOffensive [link] [comments]

[Video Games] The Many Controversies of the Super Smash Bros. Roster

Super Smash Bros. is Nintendo’s premier fighting game franchise. The series released its fifth entry, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, in 2018. The brainchild of Masahiro Sakurai (the man behind Kirby and Kid Icarus: Uprising), it is beloved by many for its fun and easy-to-grasp gameplay, and more notably, its massive crossover status. The Smash series has always been about characters from all different franchises and companies duking it out. With a whopping 81 planned characters (plus seven clone characters, referred to as “Echo Fighters”), every player is bound to find at least one they like.
However, no series is without controversy, and people often find themselves lamenting the characters that DON’T get in, and sometimes even those that do.
I realize that there's a post talking a lot more in-depth about one of these characters, so if you'd like to read that as well here's a link.
A Brief History Lesson
Super Smash Bros. debuted for the Nintendo 64 in 1999, with this classic commercial depicting mascot versions of popular Nintendo characters duking it out to The Turtles’ “Happy Together”. The game was a smash (heh) hit, and featured twelve playable characters (Mario, Donkey Kong, Link, Samus, Yoshi, Kirby, Fox McCloud, Pikachu, Luigi, Ness, Captain Falcon, and Jigglypuff). It supported up to four players, and had a variety of items that could be used in battle. More characters were added throughout the sequels, including third party characters such as Sonic the Hedgehog and Mega Man. In the third game, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, a new item was added to the game: “Assist Trophies”, summonable NPCs that could assist the player who summoned them in battle. Each Assist Trophy did something different, and many characters who otherwise wouldn’t have a shot at being playable got to appear this way. One such character was Waluigi from the Super Mario Bros. series, who would run around the stage and stomp on opponents while hitting them with his tennis racket, making them briefly immobile.
When the fourth game for the Wii U and 3DS came around, several cuts and changes were made so the game could run on the comparatively weaker 3DS hardware. The game also featured no story mode. However, there were three big hope spots for fans. The first was Mii Fighters, which allowed players to create their own custom fighter (either a Brawler, Gunner, or Swordfighter), with a variety of costumes based on various characters. The second was the inclusion of DLC, which allowed new characters to join after release (for a price, of course). The third was the biggest of all: the Fighter Ballot. This was a chance for fans to vote on which character they’d like to see join Super Smash Bros. for 3DS and WiiU.
The Fighter Ballot
The Fighter Ballot was extremely popular, with thousands of people voting for their favorites. Aside from “meme” picks like Goku or Shrek, some of the most popular choices, at least according to message boards and polls from the time, included Ridley from Metroid, Waluigi and Princess Daisy from Super Mario Bros. (this despite Waluigi still being an Assist Trophy), Sora from Kingdom Hearts, the Inklings from Splatoon, Shantae, Wolf O'Donnell from Star Fox (a character who had been cut during the transition between games) Banjo-Kazooie, Geno from Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, and quite possibly the loudest fanbase, King K. Rool from Donkey Kong Country. The ballot came to a close in October 2015, revealing the winner to be…
While Bayo certainly did have her fans and supporters, many people were…underwhelmed, to say the least. Bayonetta was allegedly the most popular character in Europe, and in the Top 5 in America, though some folks found this hard to believe. Things weren’t helped by the unpopular reveal of Corrin from Fire Emblem Fates as a DLC character before the ballot closed, with many people stating that there were too many Fire Emblem characters (at the time, the game had six different characters from the series). Eventually, the game was datamined, and it was revealed that Bayonetta’s data existed in the game just two weeks after the ballot opened up. Mii Fighter costumes of some of the more popular picks were released as consolation prizes, but it still stung. Sakurai stated that the ballot was meant to pick fighters for a future installment, and not for Smash 4, but this is a bit hard to believe given that the website outright said the character would be for Smash 4. However, there was still hope for these characters in the future.
Everyone is Here…?
The fifth game in the series, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, was quite possibly the most hyped-up game of the decade. It promised to be the ultimate (heh) dream match, with every single fighter from past games returning. It also introduced several highly requested newcomers, including Ridley (complete with a shoutout to his supporters), Daisy (I cried tears of joy at her reveal), the Inklings, Simon Belmont (and his descendant Richter) from Castlevania, Isabelle from Animal Crossing, and of course, King K. Rool, all of whom generated a lot of hype. This only expanded when the DLC was revealed, with several unexpected characters from a variety of different companies. However, one character was notably missing: Waluigi.
The Purple-Clad Plumber
For anyone who doesn't know, Waluigi is a character who originates in the game Mario Tennis. He was originally created solely so Wario could have a doubles partner, and quickly became a mainstay of the spin-offs. At first, he was seen as an unnecessary character who only existed as filler, but his role in Matthew Taranto's webcomic Brawl in the Family saw him gain popularity. The comic mostly focused on video game-based gags while occasionally having longer story arcs. Waluigi would show up to take over the comic every once in a while, with his catchphrase "TOO BAD. WALUIGI TIME." often appearing. People loved the comic's take on Waluigi as a zany, over-the-top, and somewhat tragic character. It wasn't long before this version of Waluigi became a meme, with the regular version following.
It’s a Cold and It’s a Broken Waluigi
Generally, Assist Trophies are considered to be a “deconfirmation” for a character. While nothing in the game outright states that a character can’t be playable if they also appear as an Assist Trophy, nothing denies it either. There is technically a chance, as the game does have certain conditions that disable assist trophies on certain stages (for example, the Moon from Majora’s Mask can’t appear on the stage Great Bay, as it appears as a background element). Stage elements can also be affected by which characters are playing in a match. For example, King Dedede won’t appear in the background of Dream Land if he’s also in the match, Toon Link will be replaced by Alfonzo (“Leave it to me!”) on the Spirit Train if another Link is playing, and Fox, Falco, and Wolf have specific dialogue changes referring to one another. However, this has never been confirmed, and Assist Trophies have always been unplayable. Which brings us to Waluigi.
In early June, Waluigi was confirmed to be an Assist Trophy, and therefore unplayable, for the third game in a row. As if to add insult to injury, the video also revealed that Assist Trophies can now be knocked out, and used Waluigi to demonstrate this. People were, to put it lightly, fucking pissed. Memes were made about the situation, songs were written, petitions were signed to get Waluigi included, Matthew Taranto of Brawl in the Family got in on it, years after the comic had ended, and a few (emphasis on a FEW) fans even started harassing Sakurai in an attempt to get the purple plumber in the roster. A small group of Waluigi cosplayers staged a protest at a Smash event, and while they had good intentions, they did make some staff and guests uneasy. Some theorized that the Assist Trophy thing was a red herring, and that Waluigi would be revealed as playable after all. People were literally analyzing the colors of some chairs in the background of a video. It was crazy. Things only got worse for poor Waluigi when the first DLC character was revealed…
…a Piranha Plant. Just a single Piranha plant.
Generic, nameless Piranha Plants have never been playable in any official Nintendo game before this, so its inclusion was a surprise. A few people thought it was a jab at Waluigi supporters (which, let’s be real, it obviously wasn’t). Once the shock wore off, however, the Plant was welcomed into the Smash family with open arms. The fact that it was free for a limited amount of time certainly helped. The next DLC character (and the first in the “Fighters Pass”, a series of five DLC challengers), Joker from Persona 5, was also beloved by the fanbase, with his trailer showing him literally hijacking the 2018 Game Awards. Then E3 2019 came, and fans were speculating on who the next fighter would be, with Erdrick from Dragon Quest, Banjo and Kazooie, and Steve from Minecraft being popular guesses. The latter two, in particular, sparked quite the rivalry.
Bears, Birds, and Blocks
While Banjo-Kazooie was originally considered a Nintendo property (it even had its own commercial from the same people who made the “Happy Together” Smash commercial), with Banjo’s debut (sans Kazooie) being in Diddy Kong Racing, they were developed by the company Rare, which was later bought out by Microsoft. Microsoft and Nintendo are historically rivals, so the bear and bird joining Smash was seen as an impossibility for many years. However, many had hope, given that Microsoft and Nintendo had been on much friendlier terms in recent years. But there were some strikes against them. For one thing, Banjo and Kazooie weren’t exactly…relevant. Their last game, Nuts and Bolts, was in 2008, and was seen by most fans as a disgrace to the franchise due to its change in gameplay and aesthetic. JonTron’s memetic version of “I Will Always Love You” comes as a reaction to this game, in fact. If a Microsoft character WAS added, it would likely be someone more popular. Say…a character from one of the highest-selling games of all time? That’s right, Minecraft.
For weeks, a rivalry brewed between Banjo-Kazooie fans and Steve fans, and a trend called “Steveposting” began to spread. Starting on 4chan, people would post pictures of a grotesque 3D model of Steve harassing other characters, often accompanied by a copypasta starting with “GOOD MOOOOOOOORNING /v/! Just wanted to remind you that we’re another day closer to Steve (yes, THE Steve from Minecraft) getting confirmed in Smash Ultimate! Make sure to save your tears for the upcoming Fighter Pass when Steve walks into the spotlight!” The most popular character for Steve to harass was Banjo. People would often argue that Steve had more relevance, and post images of Steve harassing, harming, or killing Banjo and Kazooie. One infamous video featured Banjo walking through a blocky landscape, remarking to Kazooie that they must have ended up in Minecraft instead of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. “Grotesque Steve” reveals himself, shows off Kazooie’s mangled corpse, and approaches Banjo with a sinister look on his face…the rest of the video is disgustingly NSFW, hence why I won’t be linking it or even describing it. If you know, you know. Overall, the rivalry was pretty bitter, and even genuine supporters for Steve grew tired of the “Steveposting”.
Finally, E3 2019 rolled around, and fans were excited for new content from Nintendo. One of the first reveals of the day was the second new DLC character for Smash…that being the heroes from Dragon Quest. Most people thought that Erdrick from Dragon Quest III would be the representative, and while he does appear, he’s not the only one (the heroes from XI, IV, and VIII also show up as alt costumes). Japanese fans were thrilled, American fans weren’t as enthusiastic, and it looked like there would be no more Smash news for the day. That is, until the just before the very end of the presentation. A trailer began, similarly to King K. Rool’s, only to then cut to the King hanging out with Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong. Suddenly, a golden piece bounces across the screen. Wait, is that…a Jiggy? No, it couldn’t be… DK and friends look out the window, to see a familiar silhouette, only for it to be revealed to be the Duck Hunt Dog in disguise. But then everything changes when the new character descends from above and knocks the Dog out of the way. That’s right folks, against all odds, Banjo and Kazooie are in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate!
As for Steve, he and his fellow Minecraft friends were eventually added in October 2020 (in his familiar blocky form, thankfully), which put the rivalry to rest for good. Finally, the Steveposting days were over. These new fighters were well-received, but the same can’t be said for the fifth DLC character.
Too Many Swordsmen, Are There?
Generally, if a new game is released after Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, a free update will add content from said game, usually in the form of “spirits”, power-ups you can equip to your fighter of choice to give them a stat boost of some sort. In-universe, they’re explained as characters who have lost their physical form due to events in the game’s story mode. For example, equipping the Hammer Bro spirit will enhance your jumps. One game did not receive free update spirits, however.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses is definitely one of the best games of 2019, in my opinion. With four distinct routes, a ton of morally grey characters, and an absolutely bitchin’ theme song, it’s definitely worth a try. While it’s not without its problems, the game is still pretty solid. The reason I bring this up is because Fire Emblem: Three Houses got nary a mention in Smash, despite being a new installment of one of Nintendo’s most heavily-advertised franchises. This led people to speculate that they were saving a Three Houses reveal for later. And as it turns out, they were!
Now, the fourth DLC character, Terry Bogard from Fatal Fury, was not met with the brightest reception from fans. At the very least, he came with a lot of amazing music (a whopping fifty songs from various SNK games). My personal favorite out of these is the theme song from Psycho Soldier. That sax solo though! While some people were obviously mad (or should I say…fatally furious?) about Terry’s inclusion in the game, most of the memes came from fellow SNK character Mai Shiranui’s exclusion from any form of cameo (to preserve the game’s ESRB rating). Anyway, people were really expecting something big for DLC fighter #5.
The fifth DLC character was revealed in January of 2020. Many predictions included Sora from Kingdom Hearts and Dante from Devil May Cry. The trailer dropped, only to reveal that the final character for the Fighters Pass was Byleth, the player character in Three Houses. The trailer had a jab at the common complaint that the roster has too many swordsmen…to which Byleth responds by becoming a swordswoman, as well as using other weapons from their home game. And yet still, people were once again, to put it lightly, fucking pissed. Read the comments on this to get an idea of it. After all, this now marked the eighth Fire Emblem character in the game.
Naturally, some people made memes about the situation. Others jokingly pointed out that one of Byleth’s alternate costumes gave them a red outfit and white hair, just like Dante (though the costume was meant to resemble Three Houses character Edelgard). Voice actress Allegra Clark, who voices a few characters in Three Houses, had this to say about the news. Even to this day, some people are still upset over Byleth’s inclusion.
The Heart of a Marionette
Geno is a character from the cult classic Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars. The game is certainly an oddball in the Mario franchise, but it’s beloved to this day by many. Geno appears as a living marionette with a gun arm, and he’s been a popular request for Smash Bros for a while now. He appeared in the famous (and very fake) “Grinch leak”, which incidentally also featured Banjo and Kazooie. YouTube animator TerminalMontage is one of Geno’s most vocal supporters, and even Sakurai has stated that he’s a fan of the character. So, what’s stopping the little puppet from getting in? Licensing. Geno is technically partially owned by Square Enix, so getting him in the game has always been tricky. He appeared as a Mii Fighter costume in Smash 4, but fans had hope that he would appear for real in Ultimate.
Now, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate introduced some very interesting Mii Fighter costumes. Costumes usually come in two parts: headwear and outfits. Headwear can include hats, wigs, helmets, and even masks. That last one is the important one here. Certain Mii Fighter costumes came with a full-head mask of a character rather than just a hat. These costumes, which some fans refer to as “deluxe” costumes, also came with a song, making them feel like a sort of bonus DLC character. The most popular of these is Sans from Undertale, though Cuphead also has one, as do Vault Boy from Fallout and Bomberman (though the latter two don’t come with music tracks).
So, December 2020 rolls around, and with it come the Game Awards. The new Smash trailer shows several of our heroes facing off against the game’s main villain, Galeem…only for it to be sliced in half and killed. Suddenly, “One-Winged Angel” starts to play, and hoooooOOOOOLY SHIT SEPHIROTH FROM FINAL FANTASY VII IS IN. People were, to put it lightly, fucking STOKED!!!!!! There were a few whiny “too many swordsmen” people, but they were drowned out for the most part…
...then came the costume reveals.
Each new fighter generally comes with five new Mii Fighter costumes, whether they be outfits, headwear, or a set of both. Sometimes they’re related to the character, sometimes they aren’t. The first four were pretty basic, with outfits based on Aerith, Barrett, and Tifa, Cloud’s companions from Final Fantasy VII, as well as a hat themed after a Chocobo. The fifth costume, on the other hand, led to a lot of disappointment.
I think we can all guess who it was. Geno fans were upset, and definitely made themselves heard. To make matters worse, Geno’s headwear was just a hat, when a mask would have worked well. Him being a “deluxe” Mii costume could have been a nice compromise to get him in. The aforementioned TerminalMontage made a short video on the topic, showing his disappointment with the results. Quite a few people made fun of Geno’s supporters for ever thinking he’d be playable, while others celebrated the fact that Sora or Lloyd could still have a chance. And all of this came mere months after the revelation that the widely-rumored Geno plush was in fact a myth.
In Conclusion
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate still has three DLC slots left, and everyone is wondering just who the final three will be. Personally, while I’m sure I’ll be content with whoever we get, there’s sure to be some fighting no matter what, and the only way to settle it…is in Smash.
submitted by puellamaggie to HobbyDrama [link] [comments]

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