My boyfriend has a gambling problem. Hes over 15,000 in

what to do when your boyfriend has a gambling problem

what to do when your boyfriend has a gambling problem - win

Some perspective, and 3 takeaways, from Jossmess 2021

My wife and I have watched each episode of Buffy 3-4 times, and have followed the emerging storm with sadness, rapt attention, and deep appreciation for the courage of CC and others who support her.
Just when we had come to grips with JW's craven hypocrisy 3 years ago, we now see that even that deception masked a still more damaging pattern of "casual cruelty." What his ex-wife must have had to deal with! Just letting this all sink in, and I have 3 takeaways that have helped me to manage this chaos:
1) Buffy remains the best television show of all time. (And honestly, it's not even close.) But feeling a personal connection with the artist is always problematic. Artists are talented, not paragons of virtue. If every artist was held to the standard of his/her ideals, we would have very little art to appreciate. My own father was a well-regarded novelist who never quite had the courage to live up the ideals he so skillfully preached. But I still think the world is better for the books he wrote.
Buffy must remain a feminist icon, even as its creator is rightly despised, just as Chinatown remains one of the great movies even as its director turned out to be a pedophile. The world - and especially television - is better because of JW, even as he seems to have wrought pain and havoc to those around him. Without JW, Gilmore Girlls, Veronica Mars, Jessica Jones and Stumptown might never have been greenlit.
2) The big reveal is just not that JW turned out to be an ass, but how toxic and misogynistic Hollywood really is. Part of the problem with exposing bastards is that it often serves as cover for a culture of predators. I remember when Ben Affleck condemned Weinstein, only to have Hilarie Burton reveal that Affleck had openly groped her on film - which the clip showed. The entitlement and hypocrisy that allowed Affleck to face ZERO consequences for publicly groping someone is staggering, as is the fact that even when it became news, BA has faced little to no consequences still. And frankly, if he was willing to openly grope a young woman on camera, what are the chances that he hasn't done far worse off camera?
This is rape culture.
On a related note, my wife and I were at an event and happened to meet a young woman who had minutes before been casually propositioned by one of the male stars of Buffydom. She showed us the paper with the actor's number, and seemed a swirl of being flattered, confused and scared all at once, wondering if she should call him and go to his hotel room (against her better judgment). She even asked us what we thought she should do. It was sad.
I have no idea what she ended up deciding, but this guy still has a stellar reputation, says all the right things, etc. - and will likely skate past Jossmess 2021 with his reputation even stronger as an ally to women. I'm not saying who it is because it's not my point to tear someone down, and this isn't about 1 or 2 personalities, but a toxic culture of entitlement which allowed JW to be a feminist hero for decades (he won an award!) when many many people clearly knew the rot behind the façade. And were too scared to speak the obvious truth.
We still think about that poor lady, even though we only met her for maybe 10 minutes. It really seemed like she just wanted to be a fan, and learned that the celebrity saw no value in her other than a calculated gamble that she would be star struck enough to have casual sex. I'm no moralist - consenting adults can do what they please - but the power differential and crassness of it really bugged me, and still bugs me. You can see literally dozens of examples of similar behavior (and worse) in theexpanse re. the Cas Anwar situation. Anwar was rightly fired, and the expanse fan base seems to be handling the situation extremely intelligently, from what I can see.
3) Outing Whedon's cruelty isn't real progress. Real progress is creating a culture that will not allow similar patterns going forward.
I'm deeply concerned that the takeaway for most of us fans is to condemn JW, and allow this to tarnish the legacy of the best tv show of all time. I remain a steadfast fan, and hope that more girls (and boys) will learn a slew of life lessons from Buffy, including:
  1. Many (but not all) guys will say romantic stuff before sex, then act totally differently afterwards. Almost like a curse ;)
  2. A jock's letter jacket is entrancing, but can be dangerous.
  3. A guy like Riley can be sweet and kind and the perfect boyfriend, and still not be good enough for you. Expect more.
  4. If your gut tells you that a guy is not ready to commit, and perhaps only proposed because he though you were both going to die, listen to your gut!
  5. Morality is complex. Guys like Jonathan and Andrew, and gals like like Anya have complicated reasons for the crimes they committed. Understanding, empathy, and helping people cope with the consequences of their actions does not equate to just giving people a pass.
  6. And above all, everyone deserves a chance at redemption. Whether you leave the love of your life at the altar because you're just too immature, or kill 13 frat boys, you get a redemption arc, but only if you sincerely want it.
No one knows if the man who told such compelling stories about redemption will ever have the courage and honesty to face how his actions hurt so many people - and how this pain was likely compounded because his actions were pretty much the antithesis of everything he said he believed in.
But stranger things have happened.
It snowed once in Sunnydale.
[EDIT: minor stylistic changes, plus a couple of fixed typos, and I removed the last line "So I'm leaving the door open" because it mixes metaphors]
submitted by daroj to buffy [link] [comments]

JoJo's Bizarre OC Tournament #5: Round 3 Match 9 - Jacob Brown vs William Eyelash - William Eyelash vs Jacob Brown

The results are in for Match 7.
Espiritu was not okay. It had gone dark, and he was no longer certain what was going on around him. It was hard to stand, and he was hot and hurting, and the crowd and the calls of the content creator after every play were noise to him, in the Necropolis he had tried to make. He knew there were seconds left, now, and did not even know what was to happen.
So, into the void, he began to call out with his Stand.
“This is a waste of time!”
“You have been rash, and done no good, and you care even less than I do!”
He trembled, barely able to stand.
“You say you are preparing me, but you have done nothing but hurt! Nothing but take! You have manipulated some child to play with lives! You, foolish… You don’t even mean to give her what you promised in the end, do you? Only another liar, who thinks I need another problem, and has become one.”
Bang said nothing, wherever he was. Espiritu had hoped he was far away. The young man had been fighting relentlessly and calling it a lesson. If it was a joke, it only made the jaguar want to cry.
“Manipulated..? Is… Is this me?” Nebula spoke from her screens, whatever she saw clearly giving her pause, then.
“This is your stage. Your egoism. Your lie to harm and call it kindness.” The Stand’s voice was faltering, flickering.
Then, Nebula’s pep returned with a snap. “Oh, hey, look at that, folks and five-year-olds, it’s TIME!”
Airhorns blared, then, and Espiritu recoiled once more.
“Of course, you probably have working eyes if you’re watching this, so I don’t need to tell you who has the key! What a show, am I right?” Nebula said, some forcedness to her cheer.
I don’t care… I don’t care who won. This… This was a waste. Let it be someone else’s. Someone who is not doomed to fail… I… I simply wish to live. Is that too much to ask?
Espiritu gave a final anguished roar before, finally, the pain he had sustained had become too much. His legs gave out, and he collapsed on the steps of City Hall.
The winner is Espiritu del Alocatlal, with a score of 72 to Bang “Boogie” Bronson’s 71!
Category Winner Point Totals Comments
Popularity Masters of Funky Action 13-17 A last-minute vote turned a tied-up match into a 5-4, and even under the circumstances, judges saw no reason to discount it. A disclaimer, though: we can only count votes if we see them, so sometimes it is possible for automod to give us hell. Let judges know in the future if you’re uncertain whether or not your vote was noticed and counted!
Quality Black Hill Estate 25-20 Reasoning
JoJolity Tie 24-24 Reasoning
Conduct Tie 10-10 In the future, there will be very harsh penalties on anybody going over judges’ heads to privately press people to delete or change the outcome of their votes. Wasn’t anywhere else that felt like the right spot to mention that.
“Well, chat, sorry to say,” Evelyn pointed out, “but the audience favorite laser-artist couldn’t quite cut it! Laser collection is way too 2000s, especially without a good way to take back the key! And where oh where did Espiritu send that file?” She revealed her empty hands. “I don’t even have the folder anymore! It’s wherever he had it go!”
“S-so… In the end, my gamble didn’t pay off, huh?” Bang muttered to himself, walking closer to Espiritu as the floating triangle over his head faded entirely. He crouched over him, waving a hand before his eyes and realizing, quickly, that they were registering nothing. He had blinded the jaguar.
“Well… I don’t know that yet.” Bang stood, then, looking down over him, the artist himself sore and nicked up, but in much better condition physically. “You… Y-you might not know it yet, but ‘conflict’ like this… It is necessary, you know. It’s… I-it’s the only way any of us will see the end of this, by pushing one another through. I won’t be the last to scar you.”
Espiritu whimpered at that, and before Bang could monologue more, Wrenn Aflight’s singsongy voice piped in, “hey, Lou ran off to do something, but she wanted me to pass a message along, and like a good boyfriend, I agreed~!”
“Hm?” Bang turned his head slowly. “Wh-what could that-”
Wrenn’s Stand drove a rocky hand across Bang’s face, sending him hurtling into the pavement with some force and releasing a good bit of glitter. Tilting his head, he said, “‘and maybe don’t torture animals on a livestream!’ That was part of it too.”
Bang was caught off-guard, already worn and out of it, sneering the way of the others present and how the eyes and cheers of the crowd had turned on him from their peak. He needed to make a getaway.
“And Espiritu, if you’re listening… She’s sorry she didn’t stop this right away. She wants to talk later.” Wrenn gave a cutesy curtsy to the big monitors, then, adding, “hey, Nebula! Wanna collab sometime? We could play Fivetnite or Shoal Calibur Zero instead of all this!”
In her dimly-lit room, Evelyn Ensanar watched the strike with a snicker, then stroked her chin quizzically. “Whoa, pog! I make a face reveal and immediately get invited to collab with you… Well, better look out! By the end of it, I’m totally gonna be more popular than you!” That forced grin was becoming easier, as she motioned a neck-slitting. “So there! I’ll take you down on your own channel like a bitter rival, Aflight!”
“Heheh, you don’t stand a chance~!” Wrenn gave a cutesy wave, then, before the stream of city hall was cut off, and Nebula’s feed instead showed some console’s startup screen with the revealed user’s head in the corner.
Before Evelyn could continue, however, they heard revving outside, putting her headset down. “Just a minute, guys. Gotta check on something… I swear, if I got swatted…”
She looked past the curtain in front of the open window, then, seeing that pink-haired girl get off a motorcycle, Councillor Ray stretching his legs close behind. They’d clearly come alone.
I guess… Espiritu wanted me to have this? Ray pondered, looking over the folder. Lou had said that she’d realized where that stream was taking place… Somehow, and then led him there quick as she could, insisting to take the lead. My coworkers’ secrets are my responsibility… Why did that Slums cult have this, and how did Bang get it?
“Evelyn Ensanar!” ‘Lou’ Reed called out through cupped hands on the lawn, seeing the younger girl peeking through the broken window. “Come out, please! You don’t need to wallow like this!”
“…” Evelyn couldn’t help but snicker at that. This girl didn’t look too much older than her, and who the hell was she kidding? Of course Evelyn was happy, living within these four walls, in this home downtown. She’d just had her biggest event ever, and she was being downtalked by someone who walked out of it because a poor widdle kitty got hurt trying to fight someone.
“You don’t think you can trust anyone, is that it? Even now, after an older boy led you along, only to hurt people when you thought you wanted the same thing, some part of you is calling out, ‘this isn’t right,’ right? I understand… I’ve been through that! I’ve pushed people away because I needed them most! But… Don’t indulge the void, please. Don’t feed that worst instinct… I swear, if you come out, greet the world, it won’t tear you apart. You’re bright, you’re good… You can be you so much better, I promise you.”
Evelyn stayed silent through that, peering with one eye past the curtain. No… That totally didn’t hit the nail on the head. It was just a passing impulse, a joke on herself, the momentary urge to truly step out as requested. Who did this idiotic ‘Angel’ think she was?
Evelyn knew, in that moment, she would be happy like this forever.
She pulled away from the curtain, then, pressing a button, and shutters completely overtook every entrance to the house, gating her off from the attempt to reach in.
With a sigh and a shake of their head, Nebula laughed, putting her headset on and returning to her seat.
“Sorry about this, pals! Typical ‘cringeler’ behavior over that last big show, you know? But no more interruptions, yeah?” That smile grew even wider, even more comfortable, as the outside’s natural lighting dimmed to what faint flickers made it past the metal.
“Let’s game the night away.”
Nothing was gained from this event. No lessons were learned. Only hurt, and hope that maybe, the future might not be so cruel. More live-streamed intrigue waits in the wings of a televised fencing battle for the continuation of an entire team. There’s only a few hours left to vote in that as of when this post goes up, so get to it!
Midnight Sun College Town - The Streets Somewhere or Whatever. Late Morning
A light snowfall had dusted the ground all across the College Town, covering everything in a faint layer of white about an inch thick. People were selling hot drinks in the streets, kids were running around in it, tossing snowballs, and adults were shivering as they made it through their day roughly as normal.
One youth in particular walked aimlessly along a snowy sidewalk, shivering and shoving his hands into his pockets, feeling on edge as he watched his breath fog visibly in the cold air. At least he had layers at all, though it could have been leagues better.
It wasn’t something you would go for a long walk in the snow in, but William Eyelash wasn’t exactly prepared for his daylong errant errand to take him into snowy weather.
After all, it wasn’t snowing at all in the Slums, or basically anywhere else West of the Wormwood River. By all he could gather, it was just the College Town, and nobody in this city had even seen fit to remark on the odd sort of localization.
He had begun to make peace with Ocean Eyes not as some malevolent entity he needed to control, but as a part of him, an extension of himself, and it had indeed legitimately calmed the beast down somewhat, at least in recent days made the ferociousness of it all his own. He had thought that plenty, then, to live his life, only to learn the nature of what had last month defeated a coworker of his; a woman whose Stand, and whatever of her it represented, had become so misaligned from the user that it had actively fought against her wishes.
The thought of that happening to Ocean Eyes, of having even less control over this part of himself, brought a chill up William’s spine worse than any blizzard, so he thought that he might find something of worth to his desires there… Though he didn’t really have any particular plan, beyond ambling about, seeing what the most Stand-centric district of the Stand-centric city could offer, perhaps having a fated run-in with somebody who could give him answers.
“Snow looks… Nice, at least,” he remarked through a shiver, loving the way the settled white coated everything…
And then tensing up as, out of an alley, red stains of crimson passionate cutting spilled out abruptly over it.
Not so long ago, William would have turned away in abject terror from a sight like that, or if pursued, his Stand would have come out and made it hell for those who set him off. But he’d gotten some life-changing advice from one of the city’s worst serial killers, seen a self-styled aggressive villain literally set best-laid malicious plans alight. Even if there was danger here…
Maybe there was value in seeking it out.
He tensed, slightly, then, when he saw a man in an officer’s uniform, slumped behind a diner, hands hacked off, stumps bleeding, with cut after cut after cut in his body, eyes rolled back and bleeding from the tongueless mouth.
Grisly… William shivered even more, then, before realizing that there was a presence behind him, turning his head slowly with his nerves on high alert.
Standing behind him, smiling, with a strange-looking knife in hand, was a boy only a year or two his junior. He wore a green sweater with a yellow stripe across its center, which was stained red like his hands, and a pair of bright, cheerful eyes poked past his brown bangs, perfectly matching the smile on his face.
William could’ve sworn he’d seen him somewhere before. “Y-you… Did. Did you kill this man?”
“Yep!” The youth answered, twirling the knife around, pointing to the corpse and stepping on his fingers buried in the snow. “He was telling horrible, horrible lies about me, see… Said that I cut his hands off, that it was his fault that he died. Now, I know some people came back, but this is a man I’ve never seen in my life! He pointed a gun at my head here, said he wouldn’t miss when he fired so close, so I didn’t let him. Then, that lie about his hands, his death… I just made it true!”
William was confused, his heart rate skyrocketing at the casual way in which this boy paced around as he spoke, twirling his knife. But… He was threatened, by the sound of it, and there was a certain purity, honesty, in the way that he spoke. This mutilated officer had it coming.
“W-well… That sounds nerve-wracking. I’m, uh… Sorry you had to go through that.”
“Oh, don’t worry for me!” The youth reassured, “sixteen years in this city and counting, you get quite used to seemingly-fine people revealing their true, rotten colors, attacking you when they seem to play the part of something upstanding.” He tilted his head, shaking it. “I can’t stand it at all, but… It makes it all the sweeter to put an end to it, you know?”
“I… You’re talking about killing people, you know that, right?” William asked. “That’s… That’s something you can never take back. To put it so lightly…”
“Do you have a problem with that?” Very quickly, then, the youth was leaning up close to him, putting the knife near his flesh, and William tensed up, not wanting to hurt this kid as he teased him.
“L-look… If any part of me wanted to impede you, or stop you,” William answered, “you would’ve been dead before you could bring that thing close to me. I’m… Still trying to control an ‘ability’ of my own.”
“I see, I see… So you’re another Stand User!” The youth pulled back, then, clearly pleased with the nerve William had had to stand still through that attempt to terrify him, to shock him into action.
“What do you say we be friends?” The knife vanished, then, and he held out his hand. “My name is Jacob Brown, but you may call me a nickname if you’d like.”
William nodded, cautiously accepting and shaking his hand. “Jacob Brown, huh..?” He swore he’d heard that name around before. “Then, uh… I dunno. If you really want a nickname that bad… I dunno. Jack, maybe?”
“‘Jack…’ It has a nice ring to it!” The boy agreed, shaking his hand fervently. “And you?”
“Call me William Eyelash… Or, uh, any abbreviation, I guess, though nobody really does.”
Elsewhere in the College Town, at exactly the same time…
Jacob Brown was laying in a snowy park, looking up at the cool sky in the imprint of his own little snow angel, which he’d even made time to give little knife-shaped embeddings through holding ‘Megalo Strike Back’ at just the right angle.
His life had continued to go well, as it had been since that fateful day so many months ago, where he’d toned back his killing urges, had still not once taken a life since, so not to disappoint the promise he and his friends had shared with that long-dead artist, having since befriended others and learned more about the mysteries of this place.
Los Fortuna was nice… Nice as it was fleeting, and strange. Earlier that morning he’d literally danced between the border of the College Town and the Agricultural District, one foot in an inch of snow, the other on dry grass, then posed triumphantly for Richard Stone to sketch, flexing alongside that new Bert blob which Casey and he-whose-name-ruins-Jacob’s-mood had nursed back to health.
Just as he’d started to fondly recall that fine early-morning moment, a pile of snow blinked with a single black dot of an eye, then emerged from a snowbank just meters away from Jack, looking as though it had found something urgent.
“Oh? What’s that now?” Jacob sat up, adjusting his jacket, and walked towards the bank in question, clearing away its topmost layer with a single expert swipe of ‘Megalo Strike Back.’
A couple’s mangled, half-melted corpses spilled out in a goopy pile, then, reaching his feet in a grotesque entanglement which Jacob regarded with little more than a sigh, shaking his head. “Sloppy sloppy… Though, I feel like I’ve seen dead bodies like this on the local news…” He turned towards his team’s new cute mascot character, waving him off. “It’s been fun, little one, but I think it may be a bit spicy for you. Go back home and fix yourself some Oops! All Berries and cigarette ash in dishwater… With a little Neapolitan on top of course!” The white blob’s favorite… Though it only ever seemed to eat the vanilla and strawberry. More chocolate ice cream for Jacob, anyway.
With that, then, the odd proto-Bert slinked away through the snow, blending in effortlessly as Jacob, in turn, took on the part of a sleuth, imagining a cool hat and pipe and miming them idly as he prepared to look into-
Ah. There were footprints in the snow clearly moving away from the bank, deeper into the park. Jacob would start there!
A not-so-long trek later, then, Jacob found a tree, whereby the footprints had seemed to end, but he heard shivering, and then somebody dropping down not far behind him in a panic, trying to tepidly back away. Whoever it was, though, froze when Jacob turned his head and gave a smiling grin.
Standing behind him, absolutely terrified, was a boy only a year or two his junior. He wore a black bomber jacket with three blue dots going down the left arm and a singular orange dot over the right bosom, blue-dotted pants, and a t-shirt clearly stained either with sweat, melted snow, or both. His demeanor was a timid, terrified one, a pair of eyes like a cornered beast poking past his mess of black hair, perfectly matching the look of mortification on his face.
“Uh… I’m… Uh.”
“Pardon the intrusion!” Jacob said, cheerfully, “but do you mind if we talk a little bit?”
“…” The boy looked like he wanted to die a little bit, stepping backwards again.
“My name is Jacob Brown, and I couldn’t help but notice that pair of melted bodies a little ways back. Quite the conversation piece, don’t you think?”
“I… I-I.”
“Come on now, I won’t get you in trouble and leave you to hang! I don’t do that!” Jacob assured. “All I ask from people is ‘honesty.’ It’s very easy to tell the truth, I think, if people just did it. So… Let’s start with an easy question, to show I don’t mean harm. What’s your name?”
“Uh… Ell- I mean, Wil- uh…” The boy paused, as if not used to the answer he was about to give himself. “Eyelash… W-William Eyelash.”
“William…” Someone trying on a new name didn’t need to be a lie, Jacob understood. Just a new truth to get used to. “I’ll just call you ‘Billy,’ okay? Okay!” Jacob smiled, and before Billy could comment, continued, “how long have you been in the city? Quite the sight, such localized snow…”
“Uh… M-my whole life, basically… Look, please, just. Just leave me alone. Please, don’t keep pressing, I-”
“Billy, I’m telling you, I’m trying to help you out here! I know, not everybody can get used to their powers as easy as I did, and when you’re so alone all you can do is run out into a tree, clearly you don’t have anyone helping you through it! So I’ll help you.”
“H-help… You. You mean to say-”
“Yep!” Jacob admitted, head tilting and tilting and tilting. “Not so long ago, I killed people all the time.”
That was Billy’s breaking point, and he immediately turned tail and absolutely booked it away. Even a trained FBI ace probably couldn’t keep up with that.
But Jacob Brown was pretty good at running.
He skidded to a halt in front of Billy, putting a calming hand on his shoulder. “Hey, c’mon… Bodies aren’t that way. You’ll get caught if you run without cleaning up your mess, or be so focused on running you could trip and fall down an elevator shaft!”
That seemed to scare Billy into a sort of forced calm, just as a truly monstrous-looking Stand almost lashed out. There was an odd sort of soothingness to Jacob Brown’s confidence, it seemed.
“Let me show you how, now, alright? It’s easy when you know the trick! Then we can take a walk.”
Snowman Symmetrical Park (No relation to the park from the last scene)
Jacob led Billy by the arm through a particularly artsy snow-covered park, one with several mural walls, ponds, and most notably of all, an almost slavish dedication to every single corner of the place, already in the center of the College town and the Metropolitan area as a whole, being completely symmetrical in its structures.
“Nice place, isn’t it?” He asked, letting him go and catch his breath. “Professor York, I remember, talked about it once with Chef CaraMel, I’m sure you’ve had her stuff before… They were saying that there’s a sort of ‘meditative’ quality to this place, a nice place to stand in even spots and just admire the scenery. But also that people get really mad if you mess the symmetry up.”
“Y… Yeah…” Billy panted, looking around. “I know about this place, but I’ve never taken time to…” He looked around, then, standing and breathing through his nose. “You know, Jacob… You’re right. This, uh… This place isn’t so bad. And, uh… Y-you’re kinda sorta really scary, but. Thanks, for the help, and, uh. Not judging me for what I can’t control…”
“Oh, don’t worry about it!” He reassured with a smile, “you’ll figure it out in time, Billy my friend! Why, even just a year ago, I could still be quite sloppy when I-” He noticed, then, that Billy’s look had immediately become, rather than one of cautious relaxation, one that was more confused, more terrified than ever before, murmuring and muttering incoherently. “Hm? Something the matter, pal-o?”
“Me… M… M… Why is… No… Nonononononono what the hell what the HELL?!”
William had been leading Jack to much the same place, saying to him when asked, “I dunno why I thought to come here… I guess, uh, this Lou girl who I’ve met a couple times, she came by this restaurant I work at with this friend of hers I forget her name, and… I dunno. She said it was meditative, and I’ve got things on my mind too.”
“I see, I see… Heheh,” Jack chuckled, teasing, “I’ve been treating you like this cool older figure, but you’re still figuring everything out for yourself, aren’t you? Though I guess that’s true whether you’re seventeen or forty-seven, right?”
“Yeah…” William nodded, hands in London’s perma-borrowed jacket pockets. “Th-that is life… Isn’t it? You never really… Stop learning, or growing, and, uh, some parts of you you’ll be contending with for-” He stopped himself from rambling philosophically, then, seeing that Jack had careened his head to something in the slight distance, where the pair had been walking towards and William hadn’t been looking. “Uh… Something wrong, Jack?”
“…something is, William, yes,” the younger knife-boy answered, brandishing his Stand. “Something is… Sus.”
Jacob and “Jack” Brown stepped towards the center of the park, staring one another down in perfect sync, looking one another over quizzically, the latter and younger much more tense about it than the other.
“Your face… Is mine. But I’m not a twin, or a triplet, or even a funny sextuplet. I would certainly remember that.” Jacob remarked, leaning back.
“I understand now what that pulled pork sandwich I cut up earlier was on about, I think… Yes, it doesn’t take a Rick, or even a Morty to figure this out,” Jack retorted, brandishing his knife again. “He mistook and attacked me for something you did, after stealing my face!”
“I’ve done no such thing,” Jacob answered in turn, “I was born with this…” He produced his own Stand, then, a knife identical to his own. “And this is the ability of ‘Jacob Brown’ to prove it.”
“Y-y-you… You…” Billy, cautiously, chattered as he addressed William, looking him over after seeing the identical Stands. “Do you… Have ‘that’ as well? Haunting you… B-burdening your every-” He couldn’t even bear to say it.
William, on his own, might have handled this differently, but with Jack so close, he knew that lying would cause even more of a scary situation than telling the truth. Clearly afraid in his own right, then, he shuddered, nodding. “Y-yes… I have ‘Ocean Eyes’ as well. If… I-if that’s what you’re asking.”
“Nngnhghhghghhhh..!” Billy had already begun to clutch his fingers in his head. “G-getting worse, then… Getting worse getting worse gettingworsegettingworse… Even if I control it I’ll never control it. I’m… I’m doomeddoomeddoomeddoomed!”
“H-hey,” William raised his voice, “you don’t have to be, I promise! I… I-I have no idea what the hell is going on either, but trust me, you can-”
But William knew himself, and knew that Billy would not listen to reason. With a bestial cry, another ‘Ocean Eyes’ appeared, lashing out immediately at ‘Jack’ and attempting to spray William. He, in turn, panickedly yet deliberately summoned his own, instinctively thinking to nullify the highly acidic spray with a thick, viscous, protective material, and both ate one another, and nobody was harmed.
“My my, what troublesome friends we’ve made…” Jacob remarked, then, hurriedly grabbing William and attempting to pull him away behind cover. “But hey, I’m ride or die! If Billy is your enemy, then I’ll be too! Maybe we can sort this out if we live, ‘kay?”
Then, the pair booked it away, leaving William confused, and Jack turning tail as well.
“I won’t believe a word of that lying liar’s plan… That impostor has one of you too, William! C’mon now! Fall back so we can cut them to bits before they melt us! You don’t want to fall to an imitation of your own Stand, right?”
Imitation… Impostor… Is. *Is** that what’s going on here?* William pondered, falling back nonetheless to a safer spot, well aware that out in the open was the worst place to be when he’d earned Ocean Eyes’ ire. Looks like even the guy who looks like an older Jack is gonna fight, just… J-just because.
He shuddered, then, leaning into the back of a wall. It… I-it’s unavoidable again. Then… He shut his eyes. I see.
“True or not, the uncontrolled rage of ‘Ocean Eyes’… I can tell you here and now, Jack. That was me. So maybe… M-maybe this was fate too. To finally truly tame that savage urge… Y-yes. Ocean Eyes is my own.”
“Think, Billy! That power of yours is so, so strong,” Jacob pep-talked his new friend from behind the cover of one of the structures within the symmetrical park, “and like how my ‘Megalo Strike Back’ speaks to all that I will cut through, anywhere and everywhere… What does Ocean Eyes say about you?”
“Say about… A-about me?”
“Yes!” Jacob encouraged. “Make a statement to the world! Cry out in your voice! It can be anything, not just a blind anger that forces you to live deceiving yourself! I’ve killed many times, and I’m good at it, and not a sentence of that will ever stop me from doing good by this city, just as I promised! Follow my lead, and see for yourself what all we can do!”
(credit to magistelles for the match art, here you can see the uncensored version of the art(CW: trypophobia)!)
Location: Snowman Symmetrical Park. A public park in the center of Midnight Sun’s College Town, and the Los Fortuna Metropolitan Area as a whole. Realized by Andrew Tiffany and his orange nephew, the place has an avid string of volunteers from around the district dedicated to keeping the architecture and nature of the place in perfect symmetry at all times, down to the last blade of grass and every inch of snow covering it.
It has snowed recently, but only in the college district, amounting to about 3 centimeters of snow covering the ground evenly.
Right now, however, it’s perfectly empty, aside from the four of you.
The area here is 30 by 30 meters with each tile being 3 by three meters.
The light blue shapes are 3 meter tall structures that serve as mural art walls. Each wall has some symmetric design. The darker blue hexagon is a man made lake/fountain that is half a meter deep. The green circles are 5m tall trees, their tops are lightly covered in snow and there are decorative ornaments hung on the branches.
MFA start at the bottom of the map, as represented by the two brown circles and GYS start at the top of the map as represented by the two white circles.
Goal: RETIRE your opponents!
Additional Information:
For this match you will be controlling two characters, both your own and a parallel version of your opponent. In order to win this deathmatch, you have to beat both people on the other team.
Players instinctively know who their partners are and anybody that tries to lie or deceive somebody on who they actually are will immediately be retired by both Jacob and his parallel self. This will be a loss for whichever side tries to pull that.
For character writing purposes, note that “Jack” and “Billy” are both exactly one year younger than Jacob and William, and recall being born and raised entirely within Los Fortuna. Despite this fact, the most important moments of their lives, with the exception of all that has happened since the latter two arrived here, met their allies, and began participating in the tournament, have more or less been the same.
Being younger and less experienced, Jack and Billy respectively have quickly formed a sort of trust in William and Jacob, and will follow their tactical leads and trust their judgment so long as it isn’t grossly out of character. Their appearances differ slightly, as described in the writeup, but statistically, they are completely identical to their counterparts.
Team Combatant JoJolity
Masters of Funky Action Jacob Brown and “Billy” Eyelash “Say, Jotaro. Do that special trick of yours.” This new friend of yours has a future, whether he realizes it or not, and you wish to see him grow by your side. Take inspiration from strategies and elements of previous matches featuring William Eyelash! (first) (second)
The Graveyard Shift William Eyelash and “Jack” Brown “People can do anything when their lives are at stake!” While you mean to overcome your own past, you care about more than your own personal growth here; you’ve also found some worth in the checkered history of this strange youth. Take inspiration from strategies and elements of previous matches featuring Jacob Brown! (first) (second)
Link to the Official Player Spreadsheet
Link to Match Schedule
As always, if you would like to interact with the tournament community and be among the first to get updates for the tournament, please feel free to PM a member of our Judge staff for an invite to our Official Discord Server!
submitted by boredCommentator to StardustCrusaders [link] [comments]

Online Journal Day 13; [Playing My Part]

So the drama around me is like dominos. I feel as though everyone is having problems and they've decided now is the time for the shit to hit the fan. Everyone except my parents, whose only problem is that they're gross. I fell asleep in the basement the other day and got woken up by Paris because she was hearing something strange. We only needed to be on the first floor to find out the strange noises were my mother and father fucking like rabbits, in jacuzzi. Ewww... They don't even have the decency to have any shame. They know they were heard, my dad did not care. He even tried to dab me when I tactfully brought up that there were 'sounds'. My mom was even more brazen, saying not to project my unhappiness on them and that it's good to have a lively sexlife with your spouse. Pops added that if it bothered me I could stay in a hotel, but they aren't going to make a point to pussyfoot around me in they own house. Which is fair. But still gross. My dad joked that I shouldn't be upset, that his stroke is why I'm here in the first place. I literally almost lost my breakfast.
Paris has been an unwanted shadow. Who has been following me around and spending time in my space. She was upset this morning when I took Poppy out on the trail and told her I'd like it if she wasn't there for that. I had called my Aunt Joyce about it, and she seems to think me and Paris always got a long. I asked when that was and again I'm being told that apparently from the outside looking in me and Paris were 'close'.
No, me and Paris were not close. Paris was a spoiled, entitled, twat, who always got in trouble or into situations and then would come beg me or Bast to come bail her out. Incidentally, since she is a witless follower, most of the situations she got in and asked for help ended up being some shit her sister was in too, and I hated helping her sister by proxy. She was still in highschool when I went to college, so I think her memories of that time are askew and her mom is only ever referencing a few extreme instances.
I've had to beat up two boyfriends. I have had to bail her out of jail. I drove all the way back to get her on prom night when London had a threesome with her prom date. Not her and London, but London and her date and London's date, they were brothers. That was another guy who had to be punched in the mouth. London still never forgiven me for that. Those boys were twins too.
In fact, London has a history of taking boyfriends or guys Paris likes and also getting her into situations. Probably the worse is when I had to come get Paris who was high on something and London refused to leave the party. That one I tattled on cause it was serious.
But don't feel sorry for Paris. She made her own decisions. Was always really stuck up and nasty to folks, like my uncle, Bryanna, and was just generally thinking she was better than everyone and always sided with and covered for London no matter what that bitch did. Even times I had helped her or covered for her Paris has turned on me. She literally is only your friend when she needs something. So my actions in the past are out of obligation. Danny never needed that kind of help with people, so I only got to be 'brotherly' to this idiot and only because she was in frequent need of having some sense slapped into her.
This is the same girl who didn't come to my wedding, because London didn't want to go. Kept my uncle from my graduation and spent years talking shit about me to her loser friends and claiming we were not 'family'. So I don't want anyone to @ me because I'm not foolish enough to feel sympathy for her now that her world is caving in because she was a spoiled bitch to my uncle. I however tolerate her to extent because I'm a fond believer in having current ammunition. I can't shoot her now for past shit, but she'll eventually do something, I'm certain. Plus mom says I can't kick her out if she hasn't done anything and keeps telling me I'm just frustrated with women right now and taking it out on her. I don't think so, but I'm hedging my bets.
So when my Mom who knows what and who Paris and London are forced me to take her a long with me, I was pissed. My walks on the trail with poppy are sacred. These are my paths, my time. Poppy ain't got many years left and before Poppy, I took Whisper on these paths. It was an intrusion on my special time. The time i get to sit and think. Especially with Valentines day coming up, I just wanted to gather my thoughts. But nope, I got this life tumor I don't want to address following me around and asking my questions.
She asked about Valentines day and if Amy was coming. I told her no, and I didn't wanna talk about it. She asked if I was getting a divorce and what happened. Luckily no one has told her shit and I wasn't gonna. Shit'd be on instagram and twitter so fast. I just told her we're taking a break. She feigned concern and said me and Amy were such a 'good couple' and I snapped at her. What the fuck does she know. She got real quiet and I was cool.
Halfway back she gets to asking me why I'm so mean to her, and that she's 'trying'. I got a little defensive and I'll admit that I probably was yelling at Amy and not her, but I couldn't really help it. The whole 'trying' thing triggered me. You're trying? Why the hell does everyone want to 'try' after they fucked up. How come no one wants to 'try' before being a disgusting bitch? You're trying now that the possibility of losing your meal ticket and the happy life you didn't appreciate is coming to fruition. I told her she never deserved my uncle and she and her whore of sister are thankful he was a soft touch for all those years. He forgave and tried and forgave, and they never changed. They just used him.
I told her that venom came my way and I legitimately tried to be cool with her spoiled ass when we were younger. Danny did too, cause we ain't close to our other cousins cause they all ghetto. My dad was the one that made it, a self built success story. His siblings and cousins hated him cause though he the other woman's baby, he looked the most like they dad, and he was smart.
People like Paris treated my dad like shit and he worked a long time to gain they love and approval and they just used him. Uncle Brad was the only one who was good to him, good to us. The rest of them only wanted to talk to dad to borrow money and use him. Our cousins resented us cause we 'thought we were better than them'. No we didn't. We wanted to be friends but your parents animosity toward my dad made you treat us like shit.
So when Uncle Brad married Joyce we thought, maybe we would finally have cousins we would be close to. Instead they were the same type of Vampires as the rest of them, only white and more stuck up. And they stole our Uncle. The only Uncle that fucked with us and they abused his love and kindness and you don't get to say; 'Oops, I'm sorry.' She a grown as woman. She did this shit for years. Even after reaching the 'age of reason'. She knew what she was doing was wrong. What you gonna do, blame it on London.
Treated Bryanna like shit made fun of her hair, how she was mixed. Had that girl feeling worthless and like she wasn't pretty enough. Bryanna got all kinds of self confidence issues. With London and Paris being nasty little trolls, bullying her, breaking her toys, talking shit to they friends and her friends. And I'll NEVER forgive London for shouting out; 'I thought doves were white!' in the middle of her school play. Poor girl ran off the stage and I wanted to punch her in fucking face. Paris just giggled a long with her sister.
I told her she and her sister were fucking monsters. That I'm sure she was going through her shit. That like every woman who does dirt and geeked themselves up to be vile, there's an oh so sad story to tell. I told her that it doesn't change the fact that she was a spoiled cunt and rather than wasting time pretending not to be, she should probably embrace her shit. The world is full of douchebags and assholes, either those born that way or those who become that way to survive. I feel like she should fucking get used to it and stop pretending to have a conscious. And of course she ran off crying. I refuse to go after her. I refuse to be emotionally manipulated.
I went back to the house and thought about working out to deal with my frustration, but instead I ate. We got these Wisconsin Maid hot polishes and I made four of them and at them with ketchup and bacon and onion Jam. That along with metformin and glipizide do not mix, so I was in the bathroom with the Switch for most of the day.
When we got out, Paris hadn't come back. I had gotten a call from Mimi. But I just deleted that. I instead called Bast, who again has not really returned my calls, which is kind of pissing me off. I don't know what's going on with him, but it feel like he ducking me. I wanted to call Danny, but I didn't really know if I wanted to hear from her. I texted her but she said she was at work. So I just called Other Doug and spent an hour venting about everything.
Abouts when it was getting dark I realized Paris had not returned. I only knew she hadn't gone home cause her phone went off when I called it. And I hadn't seen London come get her. Which, by the way, London has Paris' car cause London gave her car to her dad for him to destroy. So I took Poppy out again to try to find out if she went somewhere or was still outside like an idiot. One guess to which she did.
So apparently she'd spent the hours outside crying over at the little Gazebo by that fake lake thingy. White folks get ghastly when they out in the cold too long. She was almost blue. Her jacket was insufficient cause stupid people wanna be cute instead of warm. I give her my jacket. My Bomber jacket, and take her ass back to the house. She ain't really talk to me and I'm just trying to hold on to my anger so I don't feel sorry for this idiot.
Got her inside told her she needed to change clothes. Told her to go get something from Danny's room. I tossed her wet shit in the wash and made some hot cocoa. I was feeling slightly guilty, so I made 'My Hot Cocoa'. Which is really my dads. Whole milk that has had cocoa pebble sitting in it for a bout 5 to 8 minutes, condensed milk, 3 kinds of melted chocolate, Milk, white, and dark, some cinnamon, nutmeg, a little coffee mix, some salt, a little whip cream and a sprinkle some crushed up cocoa peoples from the top. I didn't make myself one, though I really wanted to, but I had already been gambling with my blood sugar for the day.
I told her to come down to the basement and I gave her my heated blanket. She was still crying and said she just wanted me to like her again. I told her that ship sailed a long time ago. And I told her just because I can be nice to her and I don't want her to freeze to death doesn't mean I want to be her friend, let alone family. I told her I believe people always expect to be forgiven. That's why they always so loose with they actions. It's why she felt like she could be bitch to everyone. Somewhere deep down she felt like she was young and she could make up for it later. That you would grow, change, and not be that way. They you had time to change and improve. I told her she does. But the people who will benefit from it is the miraculous future people who never knew what kind of monster she had been. And she'd have to work very hard to maintain it, because people don't change. People can improve, but the truth is, with no real consequences for their actions, people don't change. People have to fail. They have to lose, they have to lose big. It's not about whether or not they deserve it. Which she most certainly deserves it. It's about destroying their illusions that they can take something for granted and make up for it later.
She asks me if that was how I felt about my wife and it took me by surprise. I got angry and asked her what she knew and why she was snooping on my business. She claimed she didn't know anything, but that it's obvious something is really wrong if I'm home and she's not. She says I always talked about my wife and that we were always texting, or chatting, when we weren't together or calling. She hadn't seen any of that or me mention her at all so it's obvious there's something wrong.
I told her that was my business and not hers. But to be honest I do feel the same way. I didn't say more to her about it, but if I'm being honest, a lot of me wants her to be punished and lose everything cause I feel that would be better for her. She'll get it right with the next guy. She won't learn her lesson if she is forgiven. Most people don't. I love her to death but I can't reconcile my belief that people don't appreciate anything until they have to pay the price, until there's no going back. Human beings are fundamentally selfish and short sighted.
Paris hugged me and cried and apologized. She said she wanted to apologize for everything. She said she knew what she was doing was wrong but she did it anyway cause she thought it was more important to be a twin than to be good to us. That London had her convinced that Uncle Brad was just pitying them or pitying Auntie Joyce and that he was gonna abandon them after he had had his fun with Joyce like all the others had, and Dad would come back.
Apparently their Dad would leave, Joyce would move on or try, and the guy would get tired of Joyce, her kids, or both, and leave and they Joyce would get back with their father. London had been trying to force this to happen with Uncle Brad and London claimed she didn't need to be nice to us cause we weren't going to stick around, cause Uncle Brad wouldn't stick around. Paris said she felt that way sometimes, then time would pass and it would be obvious that wasn't going to happen, so she would try to connect, but London would make it out like she was betraying her. London got really bitter when Bryanna was born, and was obsessed with this idea of they dad coming back.
Paris admitted what we all knew. Uncle Brad was more of a dad than her own father and that he was around much more. She claimed that she had been trying to make up for it since she got to college. Her relationship with him had improved and she even called him dad. She hadn't been being bad to him and Uncle Brad and her had talked this out. Uncle Brad was just mad she was skipping class and going to parties, but she just wanted to stay with London, because according to her, London was Wild'n Out.
Apparently London's new boyfriend, Douchbag Chad, had a reputation. More than one girl has claimed that he has gotten them drunk at parties and forced himself on them. He was into her and wanted to date her, but when he started getting interested, London swooped in and stole him like she does with all the guys that are interested in Paris. She said she had been trying to make things up with Bryanna, but Bryanna is really bitter about it. She says Bryanna listens to her talk and then asks; 'If she's done?' and then walks away. I told her that if I was Bryanna I wouldn't forgive her either.
She said she wanted to reach out to me for a long time, since she started college, but no one would give her my number. My dislike is common knowledge, even though she told my mom several times that she wanted to make up with me. Which explains why my mom hasn't thrown her out at my many request. I told her that I can't really forgive her. She hasn't done anything to be forgiven. You got to put the kind of time into fixing something that you did fucking it up and I don't think anyone is going to give her that time.
She asked me what it would hurt to let her try. And I said my pride. My self respect. She was quiet for a long time and drank her cocoa. Gave me a compliment on it, which I Han Soloed her ass. Cause, 'I know'. She then said something strange. That I didn't have to forgive her. But she wanted to keep trying. That I didn't have to care about her or her problems, but she wanted to prove, that she's not who she was and who people think she is. I told her I really got my own situations to deal with. I don't need her baggage. She said no, but I obviously needed to vent. And if all I needed was a punching bag, then she would just be that. I told her what I needed was to be alone and not have crazy selfish women fucking up my chill. She insisted that being alone is the last thing I needed and that she would like to stick around, if only to have someone to yell at when I'm frustrated. Saying, 'She knows she deserves it.' I told her again it was a free country, but I wasn't planning on 'making nice' with her. She pointed to the hot cocoa and said that it was nice and that I'm a good person whose always trying to be a mean one and she's sorry for her part in making me that way. I told her she's flattering herself if she thinks I think about her and her bullshit at all when I'm at home.
Again she asked me if I was going to play BOTW and if she could watch. It's supposed to be a free country and I did want to keep any eye on her. She didn't look all that well still kinda blue and veiny. So I told her yeah, but I didn't really wanna talk about this stuff anymore. I also warned her if she brought up Amy again I would throw her back out into the cold. She did the little key lip thing and I scowled.
The rest of the day was uneventful. I spent most of it in the basement playing Botw with her hanging around. Thankfully not a lot of talking. Mom came home and made Pad Thai with no chicken and fake egg. I wanted to to talk to her about knowing why Paris was hanging around, but she told me she was planning for Valentines day with Dad and told me if I wanted to talk I could, but she was picking out outfit and lingerie for the occasion. Which is her way of saying, I'm not talking about this, go away. So, yeah, eww... I will talk to them about it on Monday.
submitted by UnfetteredDefiance to u/UnfetteredDefiance [link] [comments]

31 [F4M] US/ Anywhere - Looking for a lifelong, old fashioned relationship

  1. There's a spot on the dining room's wall that's always moldy in spring. Probably because the apartment faces the sea. Though it's not really too close to it. The molds just keep coming back the next day after being removed. Somehow it just reminds me of a documentary I watched on Netflix weeks ago, Dancing With The Birds. The birds in the documentary all tried, day after day, to find someone. They just don't give up. Just as resilient as the moldy spot on the wall. I wanted to see if you are here.
  2. I once got an internship at a company in a neighborhood I am not familiar with. I asked a friend of mine, who did an internship there the year before, about where I should avoid and things like that. Then she was like, "My boyfriend took care of everything for me. I think he um...." I asked my next door neighbor the same question because he got an internship in the same neighborhood I did. The first thing he said was, "If you can't figure things out on your own I don't think you should do an internship at all." For some reason the conversations I had with them still strikes me even until this day. People rarely care. People rarely understand. Even rarer to have someone who both cares about and understands you. Most people don't give a shit about the fact that you are in a bad spot. Some people might say, "Oh man I am sorry that you are in such a bad spot." A few people might pause whatever they are doing and offer you some help. Only one person, or maybe two or three, won't go until they get you out of the bad spot. I would like to be that person for my SO.
  3. I just started watching Fargo. The second season. I looked up the cast of the show before I started watching it. Kristen Dunst is in it. When I was younger I heard people making fun of Dunst's teeth. I felt really bad for her. In an interview she did in 2019 she told the reporter that she was asked by some producers to have her teeth fixed, but she refused. Though she probably had dental work done at some point because her teeth do not look the same as before. I wondered what would have happened if she never had it done. And why can't we even accept an actress with "imperfect" teeth. David Bowie also had crooked teeth which he later fixed. I have heard many people claiming that his teeth did not bother them. I wondered if they would have said the same if it is just some random person with crooked teeth. I would be sad if their logic went like, the more talented a person is, the more crooked their teeth I could accept. My friend had a car accident in London some years ago and that messed something up. I am sure some men would have chosen to leave but hers did not. Her husband did not tell her to fix anything. A side note, fixing and repairing, in a relationship, are some essential skills. I do not want to be with someone who constantly thinks about jumping ship. Though we all know that some mistakes are simply beyond repair. "Would it be so bad if I slept with this girl, only once, behind my wife's back?" Yes, it would be over. I would like to find someone who not just likes the beginning of things but also the things after that. Someone who I could share both the best and the worst years of my life with. And, you know, someone to watch Fargo with.
What I am looking for -
Short version (there is a long version, with explanation, follows) -
A single, monogamous, adult (stop asking me for an age range. If you can get married without your parents’ approval, you are welcomed to message me) man who is looking for a lifelong relationship, has time to be in a committed relationship, will become my best friend, is in shape/ not too out of shape, is reasonably healthy, is mentally healthy and stable/ mentally unhealthy and unstable but has been monitoring the progress, mentally available, is a meat eater, is a non smoke rarely smoke, is a non drinke social drinker, is a non drug addict (weed is fine), is a non gambling addict, is a non porn addict, is a virgin/ non virgin but was always responsible to their exes (always wore condoms and never had STDs), is okay with no cohabitation, is okay with no premarital sex, is not into anything kinky, wants kids (biological kids/ adopted kids), is okay with your spouse not taking birth control pills, is okay with your spouse not wearing an IUD, is debt free/ with justifiable debt, is religious/ non religious, is eligible to apply for a passport (and meet each other)
If you do not agree with everything I said above then we are not compatible. “I agreed with most of the things you said.” What does that even mean? I have had enough messages telling me that they do not entirely agree with what I said but would like to see where things go. The answer is nowhere. I do not have time nor do I want to build a castle on sand. I also have had enough messages telling me to reconsider things. I won't.
What I like -
Good food
Hot food
Hot soup
Warm words
Wool yarn
Wool clothing
Names with stories, say like, street names
Dining wares
Old stories - old movies and shows
Good stories - movies, shows and documentaries, books, music with good lyrics
Good arts
Thrift stores
Flea markets
What I am looking for - Long version -
A strictly monogamous relationship that is happy, healthy, supportive, and lasts forever. I am not looking for dick pictures, chat buddies, dirty chat buddies, hookups, love affairs, friends, friends with benefits, sugar daddies, sugar uncles, sugar sons, rebound dating, short-term dating, several years dating, polyamorous, open, or online-only relationships.
Communication - I would make time to talk to my SO every day, and very much prefer so, even just to hear that they are safe and sound. But I would be understanding if they are out in Antarctica and the satellite Internet at the work station does not always work properly, or something like that. I would like to deal with all the hardships in life together as a team. Having arguments in a relationship is somewhat unavoidable. I like straightening things out, right away, in a logical, non violent, and non abusive way. I apologize when I make mistakes. Giving silent treatment is really not my thing. I am not saying that I do not have a temper. I do. I do get angry, but within reason. Keeping promises and being punctual are important to me. I always say “Gotta go” when I need to end a conversation.
Mental health - The amount of toxicity I could take is arguably higher than average, but please alert me if you are struggling mentally. On a side note, I hope you do not like watching porn. It is a poor choice, and is both physically and psychologically damaging. I am not asking everyone of you to agree with me on this, or any other things I say in this post. Whatever floats your boat, strangers; just let me have the freedom to find whatever I am looking for.
Distance - I am not looking for an online marriage. Future faking is a fucked up thing to do to another person. If you need nude pictures, phone sex or Skype sex to make a long distance relationship works, I am not the person you are looking for.
Meeting for the first time - I have given this a lot of thoughts, still I do not really know when and where would be good to meet up. We could meet either before we go into a relationship or after. It would probably be fairer for us to fly to a foreign place to meet, it means we would have to trust each other enough to do that. In that case it would make more sense to meet after the relationship has already been established. Also we would have to deal with this whole “OMG covid is deadly!” thing. I think it is doable to fall for someone just by talking. Though I am aware that people are often not who they claimed they are. Those who say they are loyal could be experienced cheaters. But we will see. When in doubt, I ask questions.
Marriage - I have never been married but I would like to get married. The last thing I want is a divorce. The word marriage has sort of become a dirty word now but I am old fashioned. I like relationship labels, and I hope you are the same. A side note, I'm not into having a big wedding. Or a diamond ring. Or to dress fancy for a pre-wedding shoot. The National Gallery of Art has three self portraits of a Hungarian photographer and his wife. I would like to have a wedding like theirs. Which means I would just like to hang out with my SO somewhere, take some pictures ourselves, and call it a wedding. If you never had a proper family, fear not, we would have one on our own. However, having a toxic childhood should not be an excuse for exhibiting toxic behaviors. I would never set myself on fire to keep you warm. It would not help.
Sex - It would be too intimidating if you have had unsafe sex, a lot of sex, or many sexual partners in the past. And I do not want to be intimidated. Don’t give me that classic “oral sex/ cyber sex is not really sex” BS. Premarital sex is off the table. People make fun of those who have never had sex, which I do not get. I do not have a past, and would strongly prefer someone who also does not. It seems fairer that way, and in that way I would not have to grieve over your past. But, then again, grieving is a part of life. It is alright if you are not a virgin, just do not lie. I do not really have a sex drive. Mentally speaking, I would be okay if you never wanted to have sex, I would also be okay if you wanted to have a lot of sex. Because I do not specifically crave for sex; I crave for love. In other word, I count all types of affection as a whole, and sex does not specifically stand out from all the rest. Physically speaking, I would not be compatible with those who have a high sex drive, as I think overindulgence in sex is destructive. I am not really a robot, and so daily sex sounds off putting as fuck to me. I would not be compatible with those who are into kinky sex/ filming sex tapes, also. There is nothing wrong with those, they are just not my thing. I think having boundaries in bed does not mean I do not love them, or love them less than those who have no boundaries. I would never take birth control pills/ wear an IUD, because they have many side effects that I do not want to deal with. Respect my choices.
Kids - I do not have kids. But I would like to raise kids. Ask yourself, honestly, if you are mature enough, and ready to be a father. "But I am not ready, just yet; there are things I want to achieve before I become a father." Find someone younger, then. I would like to add that I have no reason to doubt my fertility as I take reasonably good care of myself. I have no, and never had any, chronic diseases or illnesses. Am at a healthy weight, somewhat slim even. 5 feet 7 inches tall. In the event that I was infertile, surrogacy would not be an option. It goes against my morals. So, again, think twice. I would like to raise adopted kids, and treat them like they are my biological kids. I would not dump my husband if, he was found to be infertile at any point of the marriage. Technically I would be okay if you do not want to raise kids at all, but providing a home for some orphans is something I could do, and I do not want to pass that on.
Living together - I have always, and still am against the idea of living together before marriage. There is nothing wrong with cohabitation, it is just again not my thing. I would gladly introduce my roommate when I was in school to you if you are worried that I have some weird quirks. I might or might not bribe her before I introduce her to you.
Living with parents - Sure, I would not think less of you. There are reasons why people choose to live with their parents.
Cars - I do not care whether you have a car or not.
Money - I am not rich, and was not born rich, but I have no debts. Never had debts. I am aware that some debts are justifiable, like student loan. I worked in the academia. I just started doing something new, related to my field of study, and that makes me happy. Whether you are a postdoc, or a high school drop out, makes no difference to me. For those who think that throwing me a sentence like “I am a lawyer” would be enough to make me talk, have some self respect. I am fine with my Reddit inbox collects only dust.
Religion - I suppose I have always been mostly an agnostic. My parents sent me to a Christian middle school, then a Christian high school. It would be great if you are a God believer and do not mind me being a non religious person. We could read Bible together. It would also be great if you are a non religious person but follow traditional values.
Smoking, drinking and doing drugs - I do not smoke cigarettes. Or vape. Or whatever. I do not do soft/ hard drugs. Have no past addictions. I do not take over-the-counter drugs even. I do not drink alcohol. If you drink responsibly, then I do not have a problem with that.
Dietary choices - I am an omnivore. Have no food allergies. Please be a meat eater. I do not want to get into an argument with you over a tuna egg sandwich I make for our kids. I would not raise my kids vegan. They should be able to make their own choices when they are old enough. I like cooking quite a bit. Would learn to cook all your favorite dishes.
Pets - I do not have any pets.
Gaming - I do not gamble. I have never played any video or computer games. Game soundtracks though I do often pay attention to.
Tattoos - Sure, why not?
Earrings - Why not? I would buy you earrings.
Long hair - Why not? I would braid your hair when you are asleep, though.
Politics - I am against communism, and totalitarianism. Trump 2020. Please read my reddit history. I pretty much stopped using this account altogether, except posting on Foreveralonedating, because this account has 33 male followers, and that is creepy, and makes me feel very uncomfortable. But my reddit history should give you a hint on what kind of a person I am. (Update: 68 followers now, which shows you how disgusting and creepy some, if not most, men on this site are.)
P.S. This is Reddit, a wonderful yet utterly dangerous place, strangers. Especially for women. So many people prey on the weak. Even scammers would spend an hour writing and tell you that “you are everything I have been looking for since forever”. I laughed out loud at “I would relocate for you but it depends on where exactly you are” messages. “I am 100% (insert a race here), and I couldn’t aim to have kids with a wife who isn’t (insert a race here).” messages are laughable. Don’t bother, kiddos. The only time I accept people bringing up the skin color thing is when it concerns our adopted kids, if you understand what I mean. Canned messages are easy to spot, because I am smarter than you imagined. There were people who messaged me from throwaway accounts, which I noticed later filled with porn posts. Accounts with no post history are fishy. Anyhow at some point let's do a photo verification. Maybe we could take a selfie while holding a piece of paper with something like "Today's February 33 1920" written on it. Thank you all for sending me a selfie right off the bat. But I do not trust you enough to click on it. Also please do not ask me to talk to you over the phone/ do a video chat with you right off the bat. If you absolutely do not know what to write, check out "pinned post II", there's a list of 30 questions. I talk to one person, if even there was one, at a time.
TL;DR - I am a non religious person who holds traditional values and beliefs, which for obvious reasons give me a hard time these days. If you see this post, message me, no matter when.
submitted by santaisjogging to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

31 [F4M] US/ Anywhere - Looking for a lifelong, old fashioned relationship

  1. “Physical attraction is important. So I’d want to have a picture of you. If I don’t like how you look, I would not respond.”
I mean, you don’t always get what you want.
I was on some dating site for a while. I had maybe 4000 likes. I don’t know if that’s a lot, or not much. Have never compared the number with another girl. I should point out that I didn’t upload a proper picture of mine because I had no desires to help improving their facial recognition system. Also because their rules sicken me. “Only frontal pictures of your face are allowed”. Oh okay. One day I noticed that they had my profile picture removed. And warned that if it was being removed repeatedly, the whole account will be banned altogether. I deleted my account the same night.
Beauty, to me, is plainly objective. Some people are good looking. And some people are ugly. Which is okay. It’s basically just lottery. Don’t blame yourself. Don’t blame your parents. At the same time beauty is largely subjective. Your personality and brain should be enough to make up for your shortcomings in your appearance. “Find someone who loves you for who you are”, your looks, personality and brain all included. While your looks being the least important one.
  1. There's a spot on the dining room's wall that's always moldy in spring. Probably because the apartment faces the sea. Though it's not really too close to it. The molds just keep coming back the next day after being removed. Somehow it just reminds me of a documentary I watched on Netflix weeks ago, Dancing With The Birds. The birds in the documentary all tried, day after day, to find someone. They just don't give up. Just as resilient as the moldy spot on the wall. I wanted to see if you are here.
  2. I once got an internship at a company in a neighborhood I am not familiar with. I asked a friend of mine, who did an internship there the year before, about where I should avoid and things like that. Then she was like, "My boyfriend took care of everything for me. I think he um...." I asked my next door neighbor the same question because he got an internship in the same neighborhood I did. The first thing he said was, "If you can't figure things out on your own I don't think you should do an internship at all." For some reason the conversations I had with them still strikes me even until this day. People rarely care. People rarely understand. Even rarer to have someone who both cares about and understands you. Most people don't give a shit about the fact that you are in a bad spot. Some people might say, "Oh man I am sorry that you are in such a bad spot." A few people might pause whatever they are doing and offer you some help. Only one person, or maybe two or three, won't go until they get you out of the bad spot. I would like to be that person for my SO.
  3. I just started watching Fargo. The second season. I looked up the cast of the show before I started watching it. Kristen Dunst is in it. When I was younger I heard people making fun of Dunst's teeth. I felt really bad for her. In an interview she did in 2019 she told the reporter that she was asked by some producers to have her teeth fixed, but she refused. Though she probably had dental work done at some point because her teeth do not look the same as before. I wondered what would have happened if she never had it done. And why can't we even accept an actress with "imperfect" teeth. David Bowie also had crooked teeth which he later fixed. I have heard many people claiming that his teeth did not bother them. I wondered if they would have said the same if it is just some random person with crooked teeth. I would be sad if their logic went like, the more talented a person is, the more crooked their teeth I could accept. My friend had a car accident in London some years ago and that messed something up. I am sure some men would have chosen to leave but hers did not. Her husband did not tell her to fix anything. A side note, fixing and repairing, in a relationship, are some essential skills. I do not want to be with someone who constantly thinks about jumping ship. Though we all know that some mistakes are simply beyond repair. "Would it be so bad if I slept with this girl, only once, behind my wife's back?" Yes, it would be over. I would like to find someone who not just likes the beginning of things but also the things after that. Someone who I could share both the best and the worst years of my life with. And, you know, someone to watch Fargo with.
What I am looking for -
Short version (there is a long version, with explanation, follows) -
A single, monogamous, adult (stop asking me for an age range. If you can get married without your parents’ approval, you are welcomed to message me) man who is looking for a lifelong relationship, has time to be in a committed relationship, will become my best friend, is in shape/ not too out of shape, is reasonably healthy, is mentally healthy and stable/ mentally unhealthy and unstable but has been monitoring the progress, mentally available, is a meat eater, is a non smoke rarely smoke, is a non drinke social drinker, is a non drug addict (weed is fine), is a non gambling addict, is a non porn addict, is a virgin/ non virgin but was always responsible to their exes (always wore condoms and never had STDs), is okay with no cohabitation, is okay with no premarital sex, is not into anything kinky, wants kids (biological kids/ adopted kids), is okay with your spouse not taking birth control pills, is okay with your spouse not wearing an IUD, is debt free/ with justifiable debt, is religious/ non religious, is eligible to apply for a passport (and meet each other)
If you do not agree with everything I said above then we are not compatible. “I agreed with most of the things you said.” What does that even mean? I have had enough messages telling me that they do not entirely agree with what I said but would like to see where things go. The answer is nowhere. I do not have time nor do I want to build a castle on sand. I also have had enough messages telling me to reconsider things. I won't.
What I like -
Good food
Hot food
Hot soup
Warm words
Wool yarn
Wool clothing
Names with stories, say like, street names
Dining wares
Old stories - old movies and shows
Good stories - movies, shows and documentaries, books, music with good lyrics
Good arts
Thrift stores
Flea markets
What I am looking for - Long version -
A strictly monogamous relationship that is happy, healthy, supportive, and lasts forever. I am not looking for dick pictures, chat buddies, dirty chat buddies, hookups, love affairs, friends, friends with benefits, rebound dating, short-term dating, several years dating, polyamorous, open, or online-only relationships.
Communication - I would make time to talk to my SO every day, and very much prefer so, even just to hear that they are safe and sound. But I would be understanding if they are out in Antarctica and the satellite Internet at the work station does not always work properly, or something like that. I would like to deal with all the hardships in life together as a team. Having arguments in a relationship is somewhat unavoidable. I like straightening things out, right away, in a logical, non violent, and non abusive way. I apologize when I make mistakes. Giving silent treatment is really not my thing. I am not saying that I do not have a temper. I do. I do get angry, but within reason. Keeping promises and being punctual are important to me. I always say “Gotta go” when I need to end a conversation.
Mental health - The amount of toxicity I could take is arguably higher than average, but please alert me if you are struggling mentally. On a side note, I hope you do not like watching porn. It is a poor choice, and is both physically and psychologically damaging. I am not asking everyone of you to agree with me on this, or any other things I say in this post. Whatever floats your boat, strangers; just let me have the freedom to find whatever I am looking for.
Distance - I am not looking for an online marriage. Future faking is a fucked up thing to do to another person. If you need nude pictures, phone sex or Skype sex to make a long distance relationship works, I am not the person you are looking for.
Meeting for the first time - I have given this a lot of thoughts, still I do not really know when and where would be good to meet up. We could meet either before we go into a relationship or after. It would probably be fairer for us to fly to a foreign place to meet, it means we would have to trust each other enough to do that. In that case it would make more sense to meet after the relationship has already been established. Also we would have to deal with this whole “OMG covid is deadly!” thing. I think it is doable to fall for someone just by talking. Though I am aware that people are often not who they claimed they are. Those who say they are loyal could be experienced cheaters. But we will see. When in doubt, I ask questions.
Marriage - I have never been married but I would like to get married. The last thing I want is a divorce. The word marriage has sort of become a dirty word now but I am old fashioned. I like relationship labels, and I hope you are the same. A side note, I'm not into having a big wedding. Or a diamond ring. Or to dress fancy for a pre-wedding shoot. The National Gallery of Art has three self portraits of a Hungarian photographer and his wife. I would like to have a wedding like theirs. Which means I would just like to hang out with my SO somewhere, take some pictures ourselves, and call it a wedding. If you never had a proper family, fear not, we would have one on our own. However, having a toxic childhood should not be an excuse for exhibiting toxic behaviors. I would never set myself on fire to keep you warm. It would not help.
Sex - It would be too intimidating if you have had unsafe sex, a lot of sex, or many sexual partners in the past. And I do not want to be intimidated. Don’t give me that classic “oral sex/ cyber sex is not really sex” BS. Premarital sex is off the table. People make fun of those who have never had sex, which I do not get. I do not have a past, and would strongly prefer someone who also does not. It seems fairer that way, and in that way I would not have to grieve over your past. But, then again, grieving is a part of life. It is alright if you are not a virgin, just do not lie. I do not really have a sex drive. Mentally speaking, I would be okay if you never wanted to have sex, I would also be okay if you wanted to have a lot of sex. Because I do not specifically crave for sex; I crave for love. In other word, I count all types of affection as a whole, and sex does not specifically stand out from all the rest. Physically speaking, I would not be compatible with those who have a high sex drive, as I think overindulgence in sex is destructive. I am not really a robot, and so daily sex sounds off putting as fuck to me. I would not be compatible with those who are into kinky sex/ filming sex tapes, also. There is nothing wrong with those, they are just not my thing. I think having boundaries in bed does not mean I do not love them, or love them less than those who have no boundaries. I would never take birth control pills/ wear an IUD, because they have many side effects that I do not want to deal with. Respect my choices.
Kids - I do not have kids. But I would like to raise kids. Ask yourself, honestly, if you are mature enough, and ready to be a father. "But I am not ready, just yet; there are things I want to achieve before I become a father." Find someone younger, then. I would like to add that I have no reason to doubt my fertility as I take reasonably good care of myself. I have no, and never had any, chronic diseases or illnesses. Am at a healthy weight, somewhat slim even. 5 feet 7 inches tall. In the event that I was infertile, surrogacy would not be an option. It goes against my morals. So, again, think twice. I would like to raise adopted kids, and treat them like they are my biological kids. I would not dump my husband if, he was found to be infertile at any point of the marriage. Technically I would be okay if you do not want to raise kids at all, but providing a home for some orphans is something I could do, and I do not want to pass that on.
Living together - I have always, and still am against the idea of living together before marriage. There is nothing wrong with cohabitation, it is just again not my thing. I would gladly introduce my roommate when I was in school to you if you are worried that I have some weird quirks. I might or might not bribe her before I introduce her to you.
Living with parents - Sure, I would not think less of you. There are reasons why people choose to live with their parents.
Cars - I do not care whether you have a car or not.
Money - I am not rich, and was not born rich, but I have no debts. Never had debts. I am aware that some debts are justifiable, like student loan. I worked in the academia. I just started doing something new, related to my field of study, and that makes me happy. Whether you are a postdoc, or a high school drop out, makes no difference to me. For those who think that throwing me a sentence like “I am a lawyer” would be enough to make me talk, have some self respect. I am fine with my Reddit inbox collects only dust.
Religion - I suppose I have always been mostly an agnostic. My parents sent me to a Christian middle school, then a Christian high school. It would be great if you are a God believer and do not mind me being a non religious person. We could read Bible together. It would also be great if you are a non religious person but follow traditional values.
Smoking, drinking and doing drugs - I do not smoke cigarettes. Or vape. Or whatever. I do not do soft/ hard drugs. Have no past addictions. I do not take over-the-counter drugs even. I do not drink alcohol. If you drink responsibly, then I do not have a problem with that.
Dietary choices - I am an omnivore. Have no food allergies. Please be a meat eater. I do not want to get into an argument with you over a tuna egg sandwich I make for our kids. I would not raise my kids vegan. They should be able to make their own choices when they are old enough. I like cooking quite a bit. Would learn to cook all your favorite dishes.
Pets - I do not have any pets.
Gaming - I do not gamble. I have never played any video or computer games. Game soundtracks though I do often pay attention to.
Tattoos - Sure, why not?
Earrings - Why not? I would buy you earrings.
Long hair - Why not? I would braid your hair when you are asleep, though.
Politics - I am against communism, and totalitarianism. Trump 2020. Please read my reddit history. I pretty much stopped using this account altogether, except posting on Foreveralonedating, because this account has 33 male followers, and that is creepy, and makes me feel very uncomfortable. But my reddit history should give you a hint on what kind of a person I am. (Update: 68 followers now, which shows you how disgusting and creepy some, if not most, men on this site are.)
P.S. This is Reddit, a wonderful yet utterly dangerous place, strangers. Especially for women. So many people prey on the weak. Even scammers would spend an hour writing and tell you that “you are everything I have been looking for since forever”. I laughed out loud at “I would relocate for you but it depends on where exactly you are” messages. “I am 100% (insert a race here), and I couldn’t aim to have kids with a wife who isn’t (insert a race here).” messages are laughable. Don’t bother, kiddos. The only time I accept people bringing up the skin color thing is when it concerns our adopted kids, if you understand what I mean. Canned messages are easy to spot, because I am smarter than you imagined. There were people who messaged me from throwaway accounts, which I noticed later filled with porn posts. Accounts with no post history are fishy. Anyhow at some point let's do a photo verification. Maybe we could take a selfie while holding a piece of paper with something like "Today's February 33 1920" written on it. Thank you all for sending me a selfie right off the bat. But I do not trust you enough to click on it. Also please do not ask me to talk to you over the phone/ do a video chat with you right off the bat. If you absolutely do not know what to write, check out "pinned post II", there's a list of 30 questions. I talk to one person, if even there was one, at a time.
TL;DR - I am a non religious person who holds traditional values and beliefs, which for obvious reasons give me a hard time these days. If you see this post, message me, no matter when.
submitted by santaisjogging to r4r [link] [comments]

31 [F4M] US/ Anywhere - Looking for a lifelong, old fashioned relationship

  1. There's a spot on the dining room's wall that's always moldy in spring. Probably because the apartment faces the sea. Though it's not really too close to it. The molds just keep coming back the next day after being removed. Somehow it just reminds me of a documentary I watched on Netflix weeks ago, Dancing With The Birds. The birds in the documentary all tried, day after day, to find someone. They just don't give up. Just as resilient as the moldy spot on the wall. I wanted to see if you are here.
  2. I once got an internship at a company in a neighborhood I am not familiar with. I asked a friend of mine, who did an internship there the year before, about where I should avoid and things like that. Then she was like, "My boyfriend took care of everything for me. I think he um...." I asked my next door neighbor the same question because he got an internship in the same neighborhood I did. The first thing he said was, "If you can't figure things out on your own I don't think you should do an internship at all." For some reason the conversations I had with them still strikes me even until this day. People rarely care. People rarely understand. Even rarer to have someone who both cares about and understands you. Most people don't give a shit about the fact that you are in a bad spot. Some people might say, "Oh man I am sorry that you are in such a bad spot." A few people might pause whatever they are doing and offer you some help. Only one person, or maybe two or three, won't go until they get you out of the bad spot. I would like to be that person for my SO.
  3. I just started watching Fargo. The second season. I looked up the cast of the show before I started watching it. Kristen Dunst is in it. When I was younger I heard people making fun of Dunst's teeth. I felt really bad for her. In an interview she did in 2019 she told the reporter that she was asked by some producers to have her teeth fixed, but she refused. Though she probably had dental work done at some point because her teeth do not look the same as before. I wondered what would have happened if she never had it done. And why can't we even accept an actress with "imperfect" teeth. David Bowie also had crooked teeth which he later fixed. I have heard many people claiming that his teeth did not bother them. I wondered if they would have said the same if it is just some random person with crooked teeth. I would be sad if their logic went like, the more talented a person is, the more crooked their teeth I could accept. My friend had a car accident in London some years ago and that messed something up. I am sure some men would have chosen to leave but hers did not. Her husband did not tell her to fix anything. A side note, fixing and repairing, in a relationship, are some essential skills. I do not want to be with someone who constantly thinks about jumping ship. Though we all know that some mistakes are simply beyond repair. "Would it be so bad if I slept with this girl, only once, behind my wife's back?" Yes, it would be over. I would like to find someone who not just likes the beginning of things but also the things after that. Someone who I could share both the best and the worst years of my life with. And, you know, someone to watch Fargo with.
What I am looking for -
Short version (there is a long version, with explanation, follows) -
A single, monogamous, adult (stop asking me for an age range. If you can get married without your parents’ approval, you are welcomed to message me) man who is looking for a lifelong relationship, has time to be in a committed relationship, will become my best friend, is in shape/ not too out of shape, is reasonably healthy, is mentally healthy and stable/ mentally unhealthy and unstable but has been monitoring the progress, mentally available, is a meat eater, is a non smoke rarely smoke, is a non drinke social drinker, is a non drug addict (weed is fine), is a non gambling addict, is a non porn addict, is a virgin/ non virgin but was always responsible to their exes (always wore condoms and never had STDs), is okay with no cohabitation, is okay with no premarital sex, is not into anything kinky, wants kids (biological kids/ adopted kids), is okay with your spouse not taking birth control pills, is okay with your spouse not wearing an IUD, is debt free/ with justifiable debt, is religious/ non religious, is eligible to apply for a passport (and meet each other)
If you do not agree with everything I said above then we are not compatible. “I agreed with most of the things you said.” What does that even mean? I have had enough messages telling me that they do not entirely agree with what I said but would like to see where things go. The answer is nowhere. I do not have time nor do I want to build a castle on sand. I also have had enough messages telling me to reconsider things. I won't.
What I like -
Good food
Hot food
Hot soup
Warm words
Wool yarn
Wool clothing
Names with stories, say like, street names
Dining wares
Old stories - old movies and shows
Good stories - movies, shows and documentaries, books, music with good lyrics
Good arts
Thrift stores
Flea markets
What I am looking for - Long version -
A strictly monogamous relationship that is happy, healthy, supportive, and lasts forever. I am not looking for dick pictures, chat buddies, dirty chat buddies, hookups, love affairs, friends, friends with benefits, rebound dating, short-term dating, several years dating, polyamorous, open, or online-only relationships.
Communication - I would make time to talk to my SO every day, and very much prefer so, even just to hear that they are safe and sound. But I would be understanding if they are out in Antarctica and the satellite Internet at the work station does not always work properly, or something like that. I would like to deal with all the hardships in life together as a team. Having arguments in a relationship is somewhat unavoidable. I like straightening things out, right away, in a logical, non violent, and non abusive way. I apologize when I make mistakes. Giving silent treatment is really not my thing. I am not saying that I do not have a temper. I do. I do get angry, but within reason. Keeping promises and being punctual are important to me. I always say “Gotta go” when I need to end a conversation.
Mental health - The amount of toxicity I could take is arguably higher than average, but please alert me if you are struggling mentally. On a side note, I hope you do not like watching porn. It is a poor choice, and is both physically and psychologically damaging. I am not asking everyone of you to agree with me on this, or any other things I say in this post. Whatever floats your boat, strangers; just let me have the freedom to find whatever I am looking for.
Distance - I am not looking for an online marriage. Future faking is a fucked up thing to do to another person. If you need nude pictures, phone sex or Skype sex to make a long distance relationship works, I am not the person you are looking for.
Meeting for the first time - I have given this a lot of thoughts, still I do not really know when and where would be good to meet up. We could meet either before we go into a relationship or after. It would probably be fairer for us to fly to a foreign place to meet, it means we would have to trust each other enough to do that. In that case it would make more sense to meet after the relationship has already been established. Also we would have to deal with this whole “OMG covid is deadly!” thing. I think it is doable to fall for someone just by talking. Though I am aware that people are often not who they claimed they are. Those who say they are loyal could be experienced cheaters. But we will see. When in doubt, I ask questions.
Marriage - I have never been married but I would like to get married. The last thing I want is a divorce. The word marriage has sort of become a dirty word now but I am old fashioned. I like relationship labels, and I hope you are the same. A side note, I'm not into having a big wedding. Or a diamond ring. Or to dress fancy for a pre-wedding shoot. The National Gallery of Art has three self portraits of a Hungarian photographer and his wife. I would like to have a wedding like theirs. Which means I would just like to hang out with my SO somewhere, take some pictures ourselves, and call it a wedding. If you never had a proper family, fear not, we would have one on our own. However, having a toxic childhood should not be an excuse for exhibiting toxic behaviors. I would never set myself on fire to keep you warm. It would not help.
Sex - It would be too intimidating if you have had unsafe sex, a lot of sex, or many sexual partners in the past. And I do not want to be intimidated. Don’t give me that classic “oral sex/ cyber sex is not really sex” BS. Premarital sex is off the table. People make fun of those who have never had sex, which I do not get. I do not have a past, and would strongly prefer someone who also does not. It seems fairer that way, and in that way I would not have to grieve over your past. But, then again, grieving is a part of life. It is alright if you are not a virgin, just do not lie. I do not really have a sex drive. Mentally speaking, I would be okay if you never wanted to have sex, I would also be okay if you wanted to have a lot of sex. Because I do not specifically crave for sex; I crave for love. In other word, I count all types of affection as a whole, and sex does not specifically stand out from all the rest. Physically speaking, I would not be compatible with those who have a high sex drive, as I think overindulgence in sex is destructive. I am not really a robot, and so daily sex sounds off putting as fuck to me. I would not be compatible with those who are into kinky sex/ filming sex tapes, also. There is nothing wrong with those, they are just not my thing. I think having boundaries in bed does not mean I do not love them, or love them less than those who have no boundaries. I would never take birth control pills/ wear an IUD, because they have many side effects that I do not want to deal with. Respect my choices.
Kids - I do not have kids. But I would like to raise kids. Ask yourself, honestly, if you are mature enough, and ready to be a father. "But I am not ready, just yet; there are things I want to achieve before I become a father." Find someone younger, then. I would like to add that I have no reason to doubt my fertility as I take reasonably good care of myself. I have no, and never had any, chronic diseases or illnesses. Am at a healthy weight, somewhat slim even. 5 feet 7 inches tall. In the event that I was infertile, surrogacy would not be an option. It goes against my morals. So, again, think twice. I would like to raise adopted kids, and treat them like they are my biological kids. I would not dump my husband if, he was found to be infertile at any point of the marriage. Technically I would be okay if you do not want to raise kids at all, but providing a home for some orphans is something I could do, and I do not want to pass that on.
Living together - I have always, and still am against the idea of living together before marriage. There is nothing wrong with cohabitation, it is just again not my thing. I would gladly introduce my roommate when I was in school to you if you are worried that I have some weird quirks. I might or might not bribe her before I introduce her to you.
Living with parents - Sure, I would not think less of you. There are reasons why people choose to live with their parents.
Cars - I do not care whether you have a car or not.
Money - I am not rich, and was not born rich, but I have no debts. Never had debts. I am aware that some debts are justifiable, like student loan. I worked in the academia. I just started doing something new, related to my field of study, and that makes me happy. Whether you are a postdoc, or a high school drop out, makes no difference to me. For those who think that throwing me a sentence like “I am a lawyer” would be enough to make me talk, have some self respect. I am fine with my Reddit inbox collects only dust.
Religion - I suppose I have always been mostly an agnostic. My parents sent me to a Christian middle school, then a Christian high school. It would be great if you are a God believer and do not mind me being a non religious person. We could read Bible together. It would also be great if you are a non religious person but follow traditional values.
Smoking, drinking and doing drugs - I do not smoke cigarettes. Or vape. Or whatever. I do not do soft/ hard drugs. Have no past addictions. I do not take over-the-counter drugs even. I do not drink alcohol. If you drink responsibly, then I do not have a problem with that.
Dietary choices - I am an omnivore. Have no food allergies. Please be a meat eater. I do not want to get into an argument with you over a tuna egg sandwich I make for our kids. I would not raise my kids vegan. They should be able to make their own choices when they are old enough. I like cooking quite a bit. Would learn to cook all your favorite dishes.
Pets - I do not have any pets.
Gaming - I do not gamble. I have never played any video or computer games. Game soundtracks though I do often pay attention to.
Tattoos - Sure, why not?
Earrings - Why not? I would buy you earrings.
Long hair - Why not? I would braid your hair when you are asleep, though.
Politics - I am against communism, and totalitarianism. Trump 2020. Please read my reddit history. I pretty much stopped using this account altogether, except posting on Foreveralonedating, because this account has 33 male followers, and that is creepy, and makes me feel very uncomfortable. But my reddit history should give you a hint on what kind of a person I am. (Update: 68 followers now, which shows you how disgusting and creepy some, if not most, men on this site are.)
P.S. This is Reddit, a wonderful yet utterly dangerous place, strangers. Especially for women. So many people prey on the weak. Even scammers would spend an hour writing and tell you that “you are everything I have been looking for since forever”. I laughed out loud at “I would relocate for you but it depends on where exactly you are” messages. “I am 100% (insert a race here), and I couldn’t aim to have kids with a wife who isn’t (insert a race here).” messages are laughable. Don’t bother, kiddos. The only time I accept people bringing up the skin color thing is when it concerns our adopted kids, if you understand what I mean. Canned messages are easy to spot, because I am smarter than you imagined. There were people who messaged me from throwaway accounts, which I noticed later filled with porn posts. Accounts with no post history are fishy. Anyhow at some point let's do a photo verification. Maybe we could take a selfie while holding a piece of paper with something like "Today's February 33 1920" written on it. Thank you all for sending me a selfie right off the bat. But I do not trust you enough to click on it. Also please do not ask me to talk to you over the phone/ do a video chat with you right off the bat. If you absolutely do not know what to write, check out "pinned post II", there's a list of 30 questions. I talk to one person, if even there was one, at a time.
TL;DR - I am a non religious person who holds traditional values and beliefs, which for obvious reasons give me a hard time these days. If you see this post, message me, no matter when.
submitted by santaisjogging to r4r [link] [comments]

31 [F4M] US/ Anywhere - Looking for a lifelong, old fashioned [relationship]

  1. There's a spot on the dining room's wall that's always moldy in spring. Probably because the apartment faces the sea. Though it's not really too close to it. The molds just keep coming back the next day after being removed. Somehow it just reminds me of a documentary I watched on Netflix weeks ago, Dancing With The Birds. The birds in the documentary all tried, day after day, to find someone. They just don't give up. Just as resilient as the moldy spot on the wall. I wanted to see if you are here.
  2. I once got an internship at a company in a neighborhood I am not familiar with. I asked a friend of mine, who did an internship there the year before, about where I should avoid and things like that. Then she was like, "My boyfriend took care of everything for me. I think he um...." I asked my next door neighbor the same question because he got an internship in the same neighborhood I did. The first thing he said was, "If you can't figure things out on your own I don't think you should do an internship at all." For some reason the conversations I had with them still strikes me even until this day. People rarely care. People rarely understand. Even rarer to have someone who both cares about and understands you. Most people don't give a shit about the fact that you are in a bad spot. Some people might say, "Oh man I am sorry that you are in such a bad spot." A few people might pause whatever they are doing and offer you some help. Only one person, or maybe two or three, won't go until they get you out of the bad spot. I would like to be that person for my SO.
  3. I just started watching Fargo. The second season. I looked up the cast of the show before I started watching it. Kristen Dunst is in it. When I was younger I heard people making fun of Dunst's teeth. I felt really bad for her. In an interview she did in 2019 she told the reporter that she was asked by some producers to have her teeth fixed, but she refused. Though she probably had dental work done at some point because her teeth do not look the same as before. I wondered what would have happened if she never had it done. And why can't we even accept an actress with "imperfect" teeth. David Bowie also had crooked teeth which he later fixed. I have heard many people claiming that his teeth did not bother them. I wondered if they would have said the same if it is just some random person with crooked teeth. I would be sad if their logic went like, the more talented a person is, the more crooked their teeth I could accept. My friend had a car accident in London some years ago and that messed something up. I am sure some men would have chosen to leave but hers did not. Her husband did not tell her to fix anything. A side note, fixing and repairing, in a relationship, are some essential skills. I do not want to be with someone who constantly thinks about jumping ship. Though we all know that some mistakes are simply beyond repair. "Would it be so bad if I slept with this girl, only once, behind my wife's back?" Yes, it would be over. I would like to find someone who not just likes the beginning of things but also the things after that. Someone who I could share both the best and the worst years of my life with. And, you know, someone to watch Fargo with.
What I am looking for -
Short version (there is a long version, with explanation, follows) -
A single, monogamous, adult (stop asking me for an age range. If you can get married without your parents’ approval, you are welcomed to message me) man who is looking for a lifelong relationship, has time to be in a committed relationship, will become my best friend, is in shape/ not too out of shape, is reasonably healthy, is mentally healthy and stable/ mentally unhealthy and unstable but has been monitoring the progress, mentally available, is a meat eater, is a non smoke rarely smoke, is a non drinke social drinker, is a non drug addict (weed is fine), is a non gambling addict, is a non porn addict, is a virgin/ non virgin but was always responsible to their exes (always wore condoms and never had STDs), is okay with no cohabitation, is okay with no premarital sex, is not into anything kinky, wants kids (biological kids/ adopted kids), is okay with your spouse not taking birth control pills, is okay with your spouse not wearing an IUD, is debt free/ with justifiable debt, is religious/ non religious, is eligible to apply for a passport (and meet each other)
If you do not agree with everything I said above then we are not compatible. “I agreed with most of the things you said.” What does that even mean? I have had enough messages telling me that they do not entirely agree with what I said but would like to see where things go. The answer is nowhere. I do not have time nor do I want to build a castle on sand. I also have had enough messages telling me to reconsider things. I won't.
What I like -
Good food
Hot food
Hot soup
Warm words
Wool yarn
Wool clothing
Names with stories, say like, street names
Dining wares
Old stories - old movies and shows
Good stories - movies, shows and documentaries, books, music with good lyrics
Good arts
Thrift stores
Flea markets
What I am looking for - Long version -
A strictly monogamous relationship that is happy, healthy, supportive, and lasts forever. I am not looking for dick pictures, chat buddies, dirty chat buddies, hookups, love affairs, friends, friends with benefits, sugar daddies, sugar uncles, sugar sons, rebound dating, short-term dating, several years dating, polyamorous, open, or online-only relationships.
Communication - I would make time to talk to my SO every day, and very much prefer so, even just to hear that they are safe and sound. But I would be understanding if they are out in Antarctica and the satellite Internet at the work station does not always work properly, or something like that. I would like to deal with all the hardships in life together as a team. Having arguments in a relationship is somewhat unavoidable. I like straightening things out, right away, in a logical, non violent, and non abusive way. I apologize when I make mistakes. Giving silent treatment is really not my thing. I am not saying that I do not have a temper. I do. I do get angry, but within reason. Keeping promises and being punctual are important to me. I always say “Gotta go” when I need to end a conversation.
Mental health - The amount of toxicity I could take is arguably higher than average, but please alert me if you are struggling mentally. On a side note, I hope you do not like watching porn. It is a poor choice, and is both physically and psychologically damaging. I am not asking everyone of you to agree with me on this, or any other things I say in this post. Whatever floats your boat, strangers; just let me have the freedom to find whatever I am looking for.
Distance - I am not looking for an online marriage. Future faking is a fucked up thing to do to another person. If you need nude pictures, phone sex or Skype sex to make a long distance relationship works, I am not the person you are looking for.
Meeting for the first time - I have given this a lot of thoughts, still I do not really know when and where would be good to meet up. We could meet either before we go into a relationship or after. It would probably be fairer for us to fly to a foreign place to meet, it means we would have to trust each other enough to do that. In that case it would make more sense to meet after the relationship has already been established. Also we would have to deal with this whole “OMG covid is deadly!” thing. I think it is doable to fall for someone just by talking. Though I am aware that people are often not who they claimed they are. Those who say they are loyal could be experienced cheaters. But we will see. When in doubt, I ask questions.
Marriage - I have never been married but I would like to get married. The last thing I want is a divorce. The word marriage has sort of become a dirty word now but I am old fashioned. I like relationship labels, and I hope you are the same. A side note, I'm not into having a big wedding. Or a diamond ring. Or to dress fancy for a pre-wedding shoot. The National Gallery of Art has three self portraits of a Hungarian photographer and his wife. I would like to have a wedding like theirs. Which means I would just like to hang out with my SO somewhere, take some pictures ourselves, and call it a wedding. If you never had a proper family, fear not, we would have one on our own. However, having a toxic childhood should not be an excuse for exhibiting toxic behaviors. I would never set myself on fire to keep you warm. It would not help.
Sex - It would be too intimidating if you have had unsafe sex, a lot of sex, or many sexual partners in the past. And I do not want to be intimidated. Don’t give me that classic “oral sex/ cyber sex is not really sex” BS. Premarital sex is off the table. People make fun of those who have never had sex, which I do not get. I do not have a past, and would strongly prefer someone who also does not. It seems fairer that way, and in that way I would not have to grieve over your past. But, then again, grieving is a part of life. It is alright if you are not a virgin, just do not lie. I do not really have a sex drive. Mentally speaking, I would be okay if you never wanted to have sex, I would also be okay if you wanted to have a lot of sex. Because I do not specifically crave for sex; I crave for love. In other word, I count all types of affection as a whole, and sex does not specifically stand out from all the rest. Physically speaking, I would not be compatible with those who have a high sex drive, as I think overindulgence in sex is destructive. I am not really a robot, and so daily sex sounds off putting as fuck to me. I would not be compatible with those who are into kinky sex/ filming sex tapes, also. There is nothing wrong with those, they are just not my thing. I think having boundaries in bed does not mean I do not love them, or love them less than those who have no boundaries. I would never take birth control pills/ wear an IUD, because they have many side effects that I do not want to deal with. Respect my choices.
Kids - I do not have kids. But I would like to raise kids. Ask yourself, honestly, if you are mature enough, and ready to be a father. "But I am not ready, just yet; there are things I want to achieve before I become a father." Find someone younger, then. I would like to add that I have no reason to doubt my fertility as I take reasonably good care of myself. I have no, and never had any, chronic diseases or illnesses. Am at a healthy weight, somewhat slim even. 5 feet 7 inches tall. In the event that I was infertile, surrogacy would not be an option. It goes against my morals. So, again, think twice. I would like to raise adopted kids, and treat them like they are my biological kids. I would not dump my husband if, he was found to be infertile at any point of the marriage. Technically I would be okay if you do not want to raise kids at all, but providing a home for some orphans is something I could do, and I do not want to pass that on.
Living together - I have always, and still am against the idea of living together before marriage. There is nothing wrong with cohabitation, it is just again not my thing. I would gladly introduce my roommate when I was in school to you if you are worried that I have some weird quirks. I might or might not bribe her before I introduce her to you.
Living with parents - Sure, I would not think less of you. There are reasons why people choose to live with their parents.
Cars - I do not care whether you have a car or not.
Money - I am not rich, and was not born rich, but I have no debts. Never had debts. I am aware that some debts are justifiable, like student loan. I worked in the academia. I just started doing something new, related to my field of study, and that makes me happy. Whether you are a postdoc, or a high school drop out, makes no difference to me. For those who think that throwing me a sentence like “I am a lawyer” would be enough to make me talk, have some self respect. I am fine with my Reddit inbox collects only dust.
Religion - I suppose I have always been mostly an agnostic. My parents sent me to a Christian middle school, then a Christian high school. It would be great if you are a God believer and do not mind me being a non religious person. We could read Bible together. It would also be great if you are a non religious person but follow traditional values.
Smoking, drinking and doing drugs - I do not smoke cigarettes. Or vape. Or whatever. I do not do soft/ hard drugs. Have no past addictions. I do not take over-the-counter drugs even. I do not drink alcohol. If you drink responsibly, then I do not have a problem with that.
Dietary choices - I am an omnivore. Have no food allergies. Please be a meat eater. I do not want to get into an argument with you over a tuna egg sandwich I make for our kids. I would not raise my kids vegan. They should be able to make their own choices when they are old enough. I like cooking quite a bit. Would learn to cook all your favorite dishes.
Pets - I do not have any pets.
Gaming - I do not gamble. I have never played any video or computer games. Game soundtracks though I do often pay attention to.
Tattoos - Sure, why not?
Earrings - Why not? I would buy you earrings.
Long hair - Why not? I would braid your hair when you are asleep, though.
Politics - I am against communism, and totalitarianism. Trump 2020. Please read my reddit history. I pretty much stopped using this account altogether, except posting on Foreveralonedating, because this account has 33 male followers, and that is creepy, and makes me feel very uncomfortable. But my reddit history should give you a hint on what kind of a person I am. (Update: 68 followers now, which shows you how disgusting and creepy some, if not most, men on this site are.)
P.S. This is Reddit, a wonderful yet utterly dangerous place, strangers. Especially for women. So many people prey on the weak. Even scammers would spend an hour writing and tell you that “you are everything I have been looking for since forever”. I laughed out loud at “I would relocate for you but it depends on where exactly you are” messages. “I am 100% (insert a race here), and I couldn’t aim to have kids with a wife who isn’t (insert a race here).” messages are laughable. Don’t bother, kiddos. The only time I accept people bringing up the skin color thing is when it concerns our adopted kids, if you understand what I mean. Canned messages are easy to spot, because I am smarter than you imagined. There were people who messaged me from throwaway accounts, which I noticed later filled with porn posts. Accounts with no post history are fishy. Anyhow at some point let's do a photo verification. Maybe we could take a selfie while holding a piece of paper with something like "Today's February 33 1920" written on it. Thank you all for sending me a selfie right off the bat. But I do not trust you enough to click on it. Also please do not ask me to talk to you over the phone/ do a video chat with you right off the bat. If you absolutely do not know what to write, check out "pinned post II", there's a list of 30 questions. I talk to one person, if even there was one, at a time.
TL;DR - I am a non religious person who holds traditional values and beliefs, which for obvious reasons give me a hard time these days. If you see this post, message me, no matter when.
submitted by santaisjogging to MeetPeople [link] [comments]

31 [F4M] US/ Anywhere - Looking for a lifelong, old fashioned relationship

  1. There's a spot on the dining room's wall that's always moldy in spring. Probably because the apartment faces the sea. Though it's not really too close to it. The molds just keep coming back the next day after being removed. Somehow it just reminds me of a documentary I watched on Netflix weeks ago, Dancing With The Birds. The birds in the documentary all tried, day after day, to find someone. They just don't give up. Just as resilient as the moldy spot on the wall. I wanted to see if you are here.
  2. I once got an internship at a company in a neighborhood I am not familiar with. I asked a friend of mine, who did an internship there the year before, about where I should avoid and things like that. Then she was like, "My boyfriend took care of everything for me. I think he um...." I asked my next door neighbor the same question because he got an internship in the same neighborhood I did. The first thing he said was, "If you can't figure things out on your own I don't think you should do an internship at all." For some reason the conversations I had with them still strikes me even until this day. People rarely care. People rarely understand. Even rarer to have someone who both cares about and understands you. Most people don't give a shit about the fact that you are in a bad spot. Some people might say, "Oh man I am sorry that you are in such a bad spot." A few people might pause whatever they are doing and offer you some help. Only one person, or maybe two or three, won't go until they get you out of the bad spot. I would like to be that person for my SO.
  3. I just started watching Fargo. The second season. I looked up the cast of the show before I started watching it. Kristen Dunst is in it. When I was younger I heard people making fun of Dunst's teeth. I felt really bad for her. In an interview she did in 2019 she told the reporter that she was asked by some producers to have her teeth fixed, but she refused. Though she probably had dental work done at some point because her teeth do not look the same as before. I wondered what would have happened if she never had it done. And why can't we even accept an actress with "imperfect" teeth. David Bowie also had crooked teeth which he later fixed. I have heard many people claiming that his teeth did not bother them. I wondered if they would have said the same if it is just some random person with crooked teeth. I would be sad if their logic went like, the more talented a person is, the more crooked their teeth I could accept. My friend had a car accident in London some years ago and that messed something up. I am sure some men would have chosen to leave but hers did not. Her husband did not tell her to fix anything. A side note, fixing and repairing, in a relationship, are some essential skills. I do not want to be with someone who constantly thinks about jumping ship. Though we all know that some mistakes are simply beyond repair. "Would it be so bad if I slept with this girl, only once, behind my wife's back?" Yes, it would be over. I would like to find someone who not just likes the beginning of things but also the things after that. Someone who I could share both the best and the worst years of my life with. And, you know, someone to watch Fargo with.
What I am looking for -
Short version (there is a long version, with explanation, follows) -
A single, monogamous, adult (stop asking me for an age range. If you can get married without your parents’ approval, you are welcomed to message me) man who is looking for a lifelong relationship, has time to be in a committed relationship, will become my best friend, is in shape/ not too out of shape, is reasonably healthy, is mentally healthy and stable/ mentally unhealthy and unstable but has been monitoring the progress, mentally available, is a meat eater, is a non smoke rarely smoke, is a non drinke social drinker, is a non drug addict (weed is fine), is a non gambling addict, is a non porn addict, is a virgin/ non virgin but was always responsible to their exes (always wore condoms and never had STDs), is okay with no cohabitation, is okay with no premarital sex, is not into anything kinky, wants kids (biological kids/ adopted kids), is okay with your spouse not taking birth control pills, is okay with your spouse not wearing an IUD, is debt free/ with justifiable debt, is religious/ non religious, is eligible to apply for a passport (and meet each other)
If you do not agree with everything I said above then we are not compatible. “I agreed with most of the things you said.” What does that even mean? I have had enough messages telling me that they do not entirely agree with what I said but would like to see where things go. The answer is nowhere. I do not have time nor do I want to build a castle on sand. I also have had enough messages telling me to reconsider things. I won't.
What I like -
Good food
Hot food
Hot soup
Warm words
Wool yarn
Wool clothing
Names with stories, say like, street names
Dining wares
Old stories - old movies and shows
Good stories - movies, shows and documentaries, books, music with good lyrics
Good arts
Thrift stores
Flea markets
What I am looking for - Long version -
A strictly monogamous relationship that is happy, healthy, supportive, and lasts forever. I am not looking for dick pictures, chat buddies, dirty chat buddies, hookups, love affairs, friends, friends with benefits, sugar daddies, sugar uncles, sugar sons, rebound dating, short-term dating, several years dating, polyamorous, open, or online-only relationships.
Communication - I would make time to talk to my SO every day, and very much prefer so, even just to hear that they are safe and sound. But I would be understanding if they are out in Antarctica and the satellite Internet at the work station does not always work properly, or something like that. I would like to deal with all the hardships in life together as a team. Having arguments in a relationship is somewhat unavoidable. I like straightening things out, right away, in a logical, non violent, and non abusive way. I apologize when I make mistakes. Giving silent treatment is really not my thing. I am not saying that I do not have a temper. I do. I do get angry, but within reason. Keeping promises and being punctual are important to me. I always say “Gotta go” when I need to end a conversation.
Mental health - The amount of toxicity I could take is arguably higher than average, but please alert me if you are struggling mentally. On a side note, I hope you do not like watching porn. It is a poor choice, and is both physically and psychologically damaging. I am not asking everyone of you to agree with me on this, or any other things I say in this post. Whatever floats your boat, strangers; just let me have the freedom to find whatever I am looking for.
Distance - I am not looking for an online marriage. Future faking is a fucked up thing to do to another person. If you need nude pictures, phone sex or Skype sex to make a long distance relationship works, I am not the person you are looking for.
Meeting for the first time - I have given this a lot of thoughts, still I do not really know when and where would be good to meet up. We could meet either before we go into a relationship or after. It would probably be fairer for us to fly to a foreign place to meet, it means we would have to trust each other enough to do that. In that case it would make more sense to meet after the relationship has already been established. Also we would have to deal with this whole “OMG covid is deadly!” thing. I think it is doable to fall for someone just by talking. Though I am aware that people are often not who they claimed they are. Those who say they are loyal could be experienced cheaters. But we will see. When in doubt, I ask questions.
Marriage - I have never been married but I would like to get married. The last thing I want is a divorce. The word marriage has sort of become a dirty word now but I am old fashioned. I like relationship labels, and I hope you are the same. A side note, I'm not into having a big wedding. Or a diamond ring. Or to dress fancy for a pre-wedding shoot. The National Gallery of Art has three self portraits of a Hungarian photographer and his wife. I would like to have a wedding like theirs. Which means I would just like to hang out with my SO somewhere, take some pictures ourselves, and call it a wedding. If you never had a proper family, fear not, we would have one on our own. However, having a toxic childhood should not be an excuse for exhibiting toxic behaviors. I would never set myself on fire to keep you warm. It would not help.
Sex - It would be too intimidating if you have had unsafe sex, a lot of sex, or many sexual partners in the past. And I do not want to be intimidated. Don’t give me that classic “oral sex/ cyber sex is not really sex” BS. Premarital sex is off the table. People make fun of those who have never had sex, which I do not get. I do not have a past, and would strongly prefer someone who also does not. It seems fairer that way, and in that way I would not have to grieve over your past. But, then again, grieving is a part of life. It is alright if you are not a virgin, just do not lie. I do not really have a sex drive. Mentally speaking, I would be okay if you never wanted to have sex, I would also be okay if you wanted to have a lot of sex. Because I do not specifically crave for sex; I crave for love. In other word, I count all types of affection as a whole, and sex does not specifically stand out from all the rest. Physically speaking, I would not be compatible with those who have a high sex drive, as I think overindulgence in sex is destructive. I am not really a robot, and so daily sex sounds off putting as fuck to me. I would not be compatible with those who are into kinky sex/ filming sex tapes, also. There is nothing wrong with those, they are just not my thing. I think having boundaries in bed does not mean I do not love them, or love them less than those who have no boundaries. I would never take birth control pills/ wear an IUD, because they have many side effects that I do not want to deal with. Respect my choices.
Kids - I do not have kids. But I would like to raise kids. Ask yourself, honestly, if you are mature enough, and ready to be a father. "But I am not ready, just yet; there are things I want to achieve before I become a father." Find someone younger, then. I would like to add that I have no reason to doubt my fertility as I take reasonably good care of myself. I have no, and never had any, chronic diseases or illnesses. Am at a healthy weight, somewhat slim even. 5 feet 7 inches tall. In the event that I was infertile, surrogacy would not be an option. It goes against my morals. So, again, think twice. I would like to raise adopted kids, and treat them like they are my biological kids. I would not dump my husband if, he was found to be infertile at any point of the marriage. Technically I would be okay if you do not want to raise kids at all, but providing a home for some orphans is something I could do, and I do not want to pass that on.
Living together - I have always, and still am against the idea of living together before marriage. There is nothing wrong with cohabitation, it is just again not my thing. I would gladly introduce my roommate when I was in school to you if you are worried that I have some weird quirks. I might or might not bribe her before I introduce her to you.
Living with parents - Sure, I would not think less of you. There are reasons why people choose to live with their parents.
Cars - I do not care whether you have a car or not.
Money - I am not rich, and was not born rich, but I have no debts. Never had debts. I am aware that some debts are justifiable, like student loan. I worked in the academia. I just started doing something new, related to my field of study, and that makes me happy. Whether you are a postdoc, or a high school drop out, makes no difference to me. For those who think that throwing me a sentence like “I am a lawyer” would be enough to make me talk, have some self respect. I am fine with my Reddit inbox collects only dust.
Religion - I suppose I have always been mostly an agnostic. My parents sent me to a Christian middle school, then a Christian high school. It would be great if you are a God believer and do not mind me being a non religious person. We could read Bible together. It would also be great if you are a non religious person but follow traditional values.
Smoking, drinking and doing drugs - I do not smoke cigarettes. Or vape. Or whatever. I do not do soft/ hard drugs. Have no past addictions. I do not take over-the-counter drugs even. I do not drink alcohol. If you drink responsibly, then I do not have a problem with that.
Dietary choices - I am an omnivore. Have no food allergies. Please be a meat eater. I do not want to get into an argument with you over a tuna egg sandwich I make for our kids. I would not raise my kids vegan. They should be able to make their own choices when they are old enough. I like cooking quite a bit. Would learn to cook all your favorite dishes.
Pets - I do not have any pets.
Gaming - I do not gamble. I have never played any video or computer games. Game soundtracks though I do often pay attention to.
Tattoos - Sure, why not?
Earrings - Why not? I would buy you earrings.
Long hair - Why not? I would braid your hair when you are asleep, though.
Politics - I am against communism, and totalitarianism. Trump 2020. Please read my reddit history. I pretty much stopped using this account altogether, except posting on Foreveralonedating, because this account has 33 male followers, and that is creepy, and makes me feel very uncomfortable. But my reddit history should give you a hint on what kind of a person I am. (Update: 68 followers now, which shows you how disgusting and creepy some, if not most, men on this site are.)
P.S. This is Reddit, a wonderful yet utterly dangerous place, strangers. Especially for women. So many people prey on the weak. Even scammers would spend an hour writing and tell you that “you are everything I have been looking for since forever”. I laughed out loud at “I would relocate for you but it depends on where exactly you are” messages. “I am 100% (insert a race here), and I couldn’t aim to have kids with a wife who isn’t (insert a race here).” messages are laughable. Don’t bother, kiddos. The only time I accept people bringing up the skin color thing is when it concerns our adopted kids, if you understand what I mean. Canned messages are easy to spot, because I am smarter than you imagined. There were people who messaged me from throwaway accounts, which I noticed later filled with porn posts. Accounts with no post history are fishy. Anyhow at some point let's do a photo verification. Maybe we could take a selfie while holding a piece of paper with something like "Today's February 33 1920" written on it. Thank you all for sending me a selfie right off the bat. But I do not trust you enough to click on it. Also please do not ask me to talk to you over the phone/ do a video chat with you right off the bat. If you absolutely do not know what to write, check out "pinned post II", there's a list of 30 questions. I talk to one person, if even there was one, at a time.
TL;DR - I am a non religious person who holds traditional values and beliefs, which for obvious reasons give me a hard time these days. If you see this post, message me, no matter when.
submitted by santaisjogging to MBTIDating [link] [comments]

What Happened To Moat? The Biggest TTT/Gmod Server Around?

The purpose of this post is to give clarification to the many who have asked and are going to continue asking about Moat's (not-so) sudden fate. I was Moat's graphic designer for a time (exactly one-year) from 2018 to summer of 2019. I've been watching this spiral out of control since about mid-2019 and have been documenting the downfall on a blog called WatchMoatBurn.
Some knew me in the community as Lovely, others don't know me at all. I'd been playing since about 2016 and more prominently in 2017 to 2019. My purpose for the documentation is to give the community clarity and factual evidence on the person Moat was as he slowly regressed into the person we all know now and how this affected the community.
I had my disagreements with him, and he certainly wasn't that awful of a person when I met him. With all of that out of the way, I will end this paragraph with a small disclaimer. All the information here was kept unaltered in the best of my abilities. Some information had to be disputed as false, and the allegations concerning Moat being a pedophile are in general held in the regard of being blown out of proportion. I tried to remain as unbiased in my archiving and I did the best I could to investigate and dispute false claims made against Moat himself to be sure all of my information was correct.
There are some drug abuse mentions, a history of racism, and some NSFW images that will be mentioned or directly linked for both context and evidence purposes.  
For context purposes,  
Mid-2017 Moat puts entire community in danger by giving ‘Jenny’ administration access. Jenny was a man pretending to be a girl to fuck with Moat, effectively cat fishing him. Previous community lead Jay and several previous devs Footsies and Velkon stepped up to call Moat out on his shit. This resulted in what many vets would call the first red-flag on Moat's intentions concerning the community. That he was willing to put the security of the community at risk for a 'girl' he barely knew. A pattern similar to this incident begins repeating itself later down the line.  
December-2018 Now ex-developer of Moat, Meepen, discusses Moat's decline involving the abuse of Adderall. Meepen later clarifies that this habit of abuse was triggered by Jerry, who moved in with Moat in the second half of 2018 to assist in running the community. He later mentions that this habit was not only triggered but pushed by Jerry, as Jerry and his friends often hung out at Moat's place and supposedly peer-pressured him into abusing.  
January-2019 Moat's web-developer, FootsiesPajamies, abruptly disappears from the community with no answer given on his sudden absence. Moat claims he is just taking a break and will return, I took this at face value when I was initially told this.  
February-2019 Moat approaches a 17-year-old about selling nudes, proposes a business offer when she turns 18. This is where the pedophilia/grooming allegations come from, and I hesitate to call it such as he was 19 at the time. Moat would go on later this year to sexually harass many women in the community by sending them unsolicited dick pics. All were of age, none of them consented to the images. I received many fake logs of Moat saying how much he loves children, etc, and through my own investigations I found these were all just edited through either the source page of Moat's twitter or the discord itself. I never found anything of substance to incriminate him of pedophilia. This is an allegation I take seriously, no matter the individual.  
April-2019 The Suess, one of moat's head admins, abruptly leaves the community, no answer was given on this until later. Footsies also returns for a weekend before suddenly disappearing, never to return to the community again.  
May-2019 I speak with Meep about general mismanagement. This was sparked by Moat's incomprehensible request for a logo. Moat was the kind of person that expected you to read his mind, so commission details were often fuzzy, given last minute, or not at all. During this conversation, Meepen clarifies why Foosties came back and never returned. Meepen later clarifies in a conversation taken in July that Footsie's leave was due to emotional abuse from Moat.  
June-2019 Meepen is made Community Lead and The Suess comes back. From my own memory of the discussion with Suess, the primary reason for his leave was concerning how sick he was of dealing with Moat. So Meepen being made Community Lead was Meepen's way of trying to get back his staff team that had either left or was still deciding on whether or not to leave due to Moat's incompetence.
Moat explains in the Announcement chat that he has been abusing Adderall for several months and that it had seriously taken a toll on him. Many were happy that he himself realized this problem, as it would potentially lead to a treatment. This was his formal announcement of a community leave until he felt better, one we all had high hopes for, but never came. He sat in the Discord on an offline alt and came back two weeks later as the same person. Neglecting he ever had a problem. The only image I have of any of this was when I went to talk to Moat about his addiction after the announcement.  
July-2019 (The first exodus) A lot had happened during this time, so I'll need to give context on what started it all. In late June, Moat's new obsession for someone in the community had been made apparent after the woman in question (Mae) had her MVP role revoked (A role signifying veterancy in the community, given to very few.)
Moat didn't like that the girl he was after had her role revoked, so he ignored staff ruling on the situation and gave it back. This sparked a whole melt-down in the staff Discord (Moat had a Discord for staff and developer discussion) which bled into the community itself.
Screenshots of Moat telling staff "fuck the community this is all about me" bled into pocket Discords as staff attempted to moderate this stuff from the primary Moat Discord. Moat to this day tries to dispute this as out of context, but there is no other context.
Image-2, showing that the "Fuck the community" bit wasn't taken out of context.
Much of the primary staff left around this time. Jam, The Suess being the highest ranking that dipped out. Other staff roles like Moderator and Admin saw several demotions, and many leaves. Several veterans deconstructed their inventories and gambled their in-game currency away. This event is the first of three major events that caused the community to bleed members.
Image-1 Image-2
Moat then holds a Q&A for the community. Why? Perhaps he felt like he could redeem himself if he answered concerns and criticism honestly. The problem here is he avoided almost every question that criticized him. I wrote a post here criticizing his management of the then Creative Team. I explained how we were cut off from other developers, there was barely any communication going on between us as we didn't have access to developer chat. When we did get work, it was all from Moat and it was all shrouded in incomprehensible instructions and details. I expressed my disappointment and his lack of clarity and neglect when he handed me a recent logo project that I had just finished up. The community loved my work, but he refused to use it on the pretense that it didn't work, despite already sending me the money for the finished product and expressing his comfort with the design. He didn't at any point give me any criticism or feedback so I could best refit it for his purposes, something I personally hold against him as my work would essentially never be used, despite his initial directions and likeness of the product.
My question to him was "The Creative Team is so disconnected from everything involving development, your instructions to us are so unclear I never know what direction to take a project, and when will Creative Team get any actual recognition in the community? We don't have a role, we don't have anything. Nobody knows what we do for you."
So I left. I then started the blog, anonymously (though some knew it was me for sure, others only had guesses and suspicion.) As I felt the community should know all that happened behind the scenes, and just how unhinged Moat was and how that affected everyone.
This is when a secret new domain named appeared.  
August-2019 (The second exodus) Moat bans a player for absolutely no reason at all. His personal reason is one that I don't remember, but I do remember it was a decision that staff was vehemently against.
Meepen, who was still Community Leader, had unbanned this player, to which Moat responded by banning Meepen, his hardest working dev and contributor to the community at this point.
Meepen was very liked by veterans and staff alike, as he wasn't an incomprehensible idiot when talking speaking, so most players and staff were pretty much through with Moat, leaving after either selling their inventories or deconning everything.
Moat lost all of his head staff, almost all of his admins, half of his mods, and several trial staff fled as well. The domain that was registered was Meepen's community he was starting up on the chance something like this would happen. It would later rebrand into, and this is where most of the staff and veterans went.  
August-2019 (The intervention) Over 30 people held an intervention in the Pluto Discord for Moat. People spot to him about his habits, his drug abuse, how all of this was affecting the community and himself. He deflected all of these criticisms with some metaphysical bullshit nobody could understand, his head was so far up in the fucking clouds at this point.
I don't have the full recording (I know someone out there does though,) so here are some snippets.
recording-1 recording-2 recording-3 recording-4 recording-5 recording-6 recording-7
At the end of the intervention, Moat agreed to give Malk the discord ownership and give The Suess and Leo head staff to help him run the community while Moat 'took a break' to reflect on everything. Obviously nothing came of this, and all of these people would eventually leave the community back to Moat for their own reasons.  
September-2019 Malk (who was a very liked and notable member of the community), after receiving ownership of the Discord, was pretty much harassed by Moat out of the community itself. Taking much of what was said from the intervention and disputing the criticism given to him. This led to Velkon inheriting the Discord's ownership as Malk left.
Moat then sexually harassed Mae with unsolicited dick pics. Keep in mind, Mae was also with someone else at the time, Moat and everyone in the community knew this. At no point did Mae ever lead him on to anything. Some would call Moat the biggest simp mankind ever knew as he would end up sounding Mae thousands of dollars (around 15k USD.)
October-2019 Moat accuses Leo of stealing the community, promptly harasses him for Discord ownership, begins banning staff members, black mailing staff, and breaks the forums (disrupting staff operations) to force Leo into giving Discord ownership back.
The Suess and Leo officially leave the community for good this time. After this, Moat went to seek psychological help at a facility in his area. Everyone was hopeful he's turn up changed, but I think we all knew he would return the same person. He went to the hospital to seek treatment for his psychological conflicts but ended up berating everyone there, calling them all crazies and such. While he was there though, Moat gave ownership to Mae, who I think handed it off to her boyfriend Ekksdee. After Moat came back Ekksdee used his ownership privileges and deleted the nearly 30k Discord entirely.  
November-2019 Moat makes veteran member and previous Community Lead, George, Community Lead again.  
December-2019 The Moat servers experience a huge bug which wiped everyone's inventories. This same bug occurred on a much smaller scale in the past. Moat claims it to be a virus the previous devs used to the attack the server, no proof has been given. Moat refuses to acknowledge the severity of the bug and instead first calls it a visual glitch, then attempts to fix it three more times. Moat address the community by telling everyone to submit compensation reports despite Moat having never read compensation reports himself.
January-2020 Moat tries to get his Steam Group back by contacting Steam support, it doesn't go well.  
February-2020 The Moat servers become even more unstable as they begin shutting down for no reason, Moat leaves them in this state for several days.  
March-2020 Moat threatens Meepen with his Social Security Number. Meep filed a formal police report after, whether or not anything came of it I do not know.  
July-2020 (The Blacklisting) A lot of other nonsense happens between March and July, but I won't convolute this post any more. Those additional posts can be found on the blog themselves. July is when Garry was bothered on the Official Gmod Discord to do something about Moat. For several weeks/months, Meepen had been trying to get in contact with Garry to do something about Moat's constant ping spoofing. For people that don't know, ping spoofing is a side affect of the Moat server DDOS protection, it allows the server to always stay at the top of the server list no matter that location as the ping of each server changes to the lowest possible ping no matter your location; this ability was allowed through Moat's server host, GMCHosting. This is against Facepunch's ToS. There was also some shit about a reserved slot, which to my knowledge there was always a slot free to allow admins in.
Garry was made aware of other allegations concerning Moat, but ultimately acted only on Moat's inability to stop ping spoofing. Garry gave Moat about a day to fix the ping spoofing, which he of course didn't.
Final image of when Moat got blacklisted.
At this point Moat remained silent until September. He claimed to have talk to the devil and other such nonsense, substances/drugs are assumed to be involved, but we don't actually know whats going on with him IRL right now.
It turns out that Velkon had downloaded the server code from the GitHub before he left development about a year prior and used it to start his own server around this time.  
October-2020 Moat says he's done with TTT, and then follows up with a release of the server's code in November. A user in the Gmod community used the code Moat had hooked to his Discord to crash the Discord server and now the Discord itself remains in limbo, inaccessible by anyone. How, I don't know.
And this is how we got to where we are.  
I left out a lot of bloated non-sense that was otherwise irrelevant or a repeated event of prior mentioned events. The server grew more unstable without active developers to take the scene as Moat really didn't know how to fix a lot of the issues that arose by himself. Moat was primarily a front-end developer with a history of sloppy code. He worked on NTG with Brassx before Brassx left to start FRG. At one point, Moat had asked Brassx for assistance in creating his own inventory system without Brassx knowing the code his inventory was based on was the Code Brassx wrote for NTG's inventory (Brassx wasn't shown the full code when Moat asked for assistance.) In the end, Moat stole that code and left to make his own server after selling the code on Gmodstore for some time before being shut down. Some of Brassx's inventory code can be dissected from Moat's release, but a lot of it remains heavily edited.
If you have any other questions or comments, feel free to ask. I figured I'd clear up a lot of the confusion going on in the TTT/Gmod community right now as many people keep posting repeated threads of "what happened to Moat?" and "where did Moat go?" A lot of the people responding left out tons of vital information regarding where it went, and others were just straight up spreading false info. Also this post is fuckhuge and I had been writing through it for several days now, if there are some unfinished bits please say something.
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If your boyfriend is human and is gambling then he has a gambling problem. Nothing wrong with that so long as he can control it and bring some reason to it. If one must gamble, one should study the... He certainly could not do it alone. 5 Tips for Helping a Loved-One. Here are some lessons for anyone in this situation: 1. Get Support. If you are living and loving a problem gambler, don’t try to handle the situation without support. Get help. Like all addictions, shame and stigma can prevent you from regaining your life, if you let them. If your spouse is currently struggling with a gambling problem, or any form of addiction, it is ideal that you first educate yourself, recognize the signs, and approach them in a loving and supportive way. When they’re ready to change, knowing that they have you in their corner to get help will make their recovery that much more successful. Help him to admit that he has a problem. The first step that your husband needs to take is accepting that he has a real problem, according to Gamblers Anonymous. If he's not willing to do this on his own, you may need to show him the facts. Get concrete and prepare yourself for a serious discussion with specifics. For example, keep a log of the times when he is out gambling or show him the bank statements that detail his ATM withdrawals and financial loses. What can you do? The first thing to do if you think your partner is a problem gambler is to seek help. GamCare has a helpline (0808 8020 133) that’s open seven days a week. They can provide you with advice on what your next steps could be. They can also help you think about whether your partner has a problem — you don’t need to be certain to give them a call. Their trained advisors can give both information and in the moment emotional support to help you feel calmer. Finally, tell your partner to get support from a gambling awareness charity such as Gamcare. They also offer confidential support and advice for family and friends of those with gambling problems. You can contact them online or by phone on 0808 8020 133 every day 8am to midnight. Boyfriend has a major gambling problem Last Post bec123 (@bec123) Hi, So i have been with my boyfriend for over around 4 and a half years now. From the beginning he has had problems with gambling, specifically roulette machines. I have helped him all i can, financially and been there for him to talk to too. But, it is getting too much and i don't know what to do. When i suggest keeping hold of If your boyfriend is human and is gambling then he has a gambling problem. Nothing wrong with that so long as he can control it and bring some reason to it. If one must gamble, one should study the... If you do nothing, you may pay a heavy price. The signs of problem gambling. Some red flags are so obvious that they hardly seem worth mentioning, like when your friend or family member disappears If you suspect someone you know has a gambling problem, ways to help are available; however, the most important thing you can do is to encourage them to get help from a professional. We can assist you in finding help for a loved if you call . It’s important to remember that even though a person’s gambling has affected you to the point where you’re ready for them to change, they might not

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what to do when your boyfriend has a gambling problem

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